Examples of errors detected by the V684 diagnostic
V684. Value of variable is not modified. It is possible that '1' should be present instead of '0'. Consider inspecting the expression.
V8 JavaScript Engine
V684 A value of the variable '* (cases - 1)' is not modified. Consider inspecting the expression. It is possible that '1' should be present instead of '0'. ucol.cpp 4941
if((caseBits & 0xC0) == 0) {
*(cases-1) |= 1 << (--caseShift);
} else {
*(cases-1) |= 0 << (--caseShift);
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V684 A value of the variable '* (cases - 1)' is not modified. Consider inspecting the expression. It is possible that '1' should be present instead of '0'. ucol.cpp 4948
- V684 A value of the variable 'caseByte' is not modified. Consider inspecting the expression. It is possible that '1' should be present instead of '0'. ucol.cpp 6201
- V684 A value of the variable 'caseByte' is not modified. Consider inspecting the expression. It is possible that '1' should be present instead of '0'. ucol.cpp 6212
V684 A value of the variable 'flags' is not modified. Consider inspecting the expression. It is possible that '1' should be present instead of '0'. usb_device_handle_win.cc 58
uint8_t BuildRequestFlags(UsbTransferDirection direction,
UsbControlTransferType request_type,
UsbControlTransferRecipient recipient)
uint8_t flags = 0;
switch (direction) {
case UsbTransferDirection::OUTBOUND:
flags |= BMREQUEST_HOST_TO_DEVICE << 7; // <=
case UsbTransferDirection::INBOUND:
switch (request_type) {
case UsbControlTransferType::STANDARD:
flags |= BMREQUEST_STANDARD << 5; // <=
case UsbControlTransferType::CLASS:
flags |= BMREQUEST_CLASS << 5;
return flags;
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V684 A value of the variable 'flags' is not modified. Consider inspecting the expression. It is possible that '1' should be present instead of '0'. usb_device_handle_win.cc 67