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Examples of errors detected by the V670…

Examples of errors detected by the V670 diagnostic

V670. Uninitialized class member is used to initialize another member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class.


V670 The uninitialized class member 'fontinfo_table_' is used to initialize the 'samples_' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. libtesseract303 mastertrainer.cpp 58

class MasterTrainer {
  TrainingSampleSet samples_;
  FontInfoTable fontinfo_table_;

MasterTrainer::MasterTrainer(NormalizationMode norm_mode,
                             bool shape_analysis,
                             bool replicate_samples,
                             int debug_level)
  : norm_mode_(norm_mode),
    fragments_(NULL), prev_unichar_id_(-1),
    debug_level_(debug_level) {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V670 The uninitialized class member 'fontinfo_table_' is used to initialize the 'junk_samples_' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. libtesseract303 mastertrainer.cpp 59
  • V670 The uninitialized class member 'fontinfo_table_' is used to initialize the 'verify_samples_' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. libtesseract303 mastertrainer.cpp 59


V670 The uninitialized class member 'gcInfo' is used to initialize the 'regSet' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. ClrJit codegencommon.cpp 92

CodeGenInterface *getCodeGenerator(Compiler *comp);

class CodeGenInterface
    friend class emitter;

    RegSet  regSet; // <= line 91
    GCInfo  gcInfo; // <= line 322

// CodeGen constructor
CodeGenInterface::CodeGenInterface(Compiler* theCompiler) :
    regSet(theCompiler, gcInfo)

Unreal Engine 4

V670 The uninitialized class member 'bShouldThrottle' is used to initialize the 'CVarAllowThrottle' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. throttlemanager.cpp 10

class SLATECORE_API FSlateThrottleManager
  FAutoConsoleVariableRef CVarAllowThrottle;

  int32 bShouldThrottle;

FSlateThrottleManager::FSlateThrottleManager( )
  : CVarAllowThrottle(TEXT("Slate.bAllowThrottling"),
    bShouldThrottle, TEXT("....") )
  , bShouldThrottle(1)
  , ThrottleCount(0)
{ }

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V670 The uninitialized class member 'Bytes' is used to initialize the 'Writer' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. reloadobjectarc.cpp 6
  • V670 The uninitialized class member 'Bytes' is used to initialize the 'Reader' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. reloadobjectarc.cpp 6
  • V670 The uninitialized class member 'SerializedObjectData' is used to initialize the 'MemoryWriter' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. archiveobjectcrc32.cpp 14
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V670 The uninitialized class member 'm_s0_cache' is used to initialize the 'm_s1_element_swapper' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. animatecamera cache.h 1009

class DualStageCache
  : public NonCopyable
    S1ElementSwapper    m_s1_element_swapper;     // <= line 679
    S1Cache             m_s1_cache;

    S0ElementSwapper    m_s0_element_swapper;
    S0Cache             m_s0_cache;               // <= line 683

    KeyHasherType&      key_hasher,
    ElementSwapperType& element_swapper,
    const KeyType&      invalid_key,
    AllocatorType       allocator)
  : m_s1_element_swapper(m_s0_cache, element_swapper)
  , m_s1_cache(m_s1_element_swapper, allocator)
  , m_s0_element_swapper(m_s1_cache)
  , m_s0_cache(key_hasher, m_s0_element_swapper, invalid_key)

Mozilla Thunderbird

V670 The uninitialized class member 'mWorkerConnection' is used to initialize the 'mWorkerStatements' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. domstoragedbthread.cpp 50

: mWorkerStatements(mWorkerConnection)
, ....

class DOMStorageDBThread final : public DOMStorageDBBridge
  StatementCache mWorkerStatements;                 // <=line 304
  nsCOMPtr<mozIStorageConnection> mWorkerConnection;// <=line 309

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V670 The uninitialized class member 'mReaderConnection' is used to initialize the 'mReaderStatements' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. domstoragedbthread.cpp 51


V670 The uninitialized class member 'm_intervals' is used to initialize the 'm_size' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. Tuning.cpp 394

class Tuning {
  int m_size;                      // line 138
  const IntervalList *m_intervals; // line 139

Tuning::Tuning(const Tuning *tuning) :

NCBI Genome Workbench

V670 The uninitialized class member 'm_OutBlobIdOrData' is used to initialize the 'm_StdOut' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. remote_app.hpp 215

  CRemoteAppResult(CNetCacheAPI::TInstance netcache_api,
          size_t max_inline_size = kMaxBlobInlineSize) :
      m_StdOut(netcache_api, m_OutBlobIdOrData, m_OutBlobSize),
      m_StdErr(netcache_api, m_ErrBlobIdOrData, m_ErrBlobSize),


V670 The uninitialized class member 'm_aMutex' is used to initialize the 'm_aModifyListeners' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. fmgridif.cxx 1033

FmXGridPeer::FmXGridPeer(const Reference< XComponentContext >& _rxContext)
            ,m_aMode( getDataModeIdentifier() )
    // Create must be called after this constructor
    m_pGridListener.reset( new GridListenerDelegator( this ) );

class  __declspec(dllexport) FmXGridPeer:
    public cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper<....>
    ::comphelper::OInterfaceContainerHelper2 m_aModifyListeners,
    css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >  m_xContext;
    ::osl::Mutex                                        m_aMutex;
OInterfaceContainerHelper2( ::osl::Mutex & rMutex );

Haiku Operation System

V670 The uninitialized class member 'fPatternHandler' is used to initialize the 'fInternal' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. Painter.cpp 184


class Painter {
  mutable PainterAggInterface fInternal; // line 336

  bool fSubpixelPrecise : 1;
  bool fValidClipping : 1;
  bool fDrawingText : 1;
  bool fAttached : 1;
  bool fIdentityTransform : 1;

  Transformable fTransform;
  float fPenSize;
  const BRegion* fClippingRegion;
  drawing_mode fDrawingMode;
  source_alpha fAlphaSrcMode;
  alpha_function fAlphaFncMode;
  cap_mode fLineCapMode;
  join_mode fLineJoinMode;
  float fMiterLimit;

  PatternHandler fPatternHandler;        // line 355
  mutable AGGTextRenderer fTextRenderer;

Qt Creator

V670 [CWE-457, CERT-EXP53-CPP] The uninitialized class member 'm_undoStack' is used to initialize the 'm_document' member. Remember that members are initialized in the order of their declarations inside a class. compilerexplorereditor.cpp 774

class Editor : public Core::IEditor
  Editor(TextEditor::TextEditorActionHandler &actionHandler);

  Core::IDocument *document() const override { return m_document.data(); }
  QWidget *toolBar() override;

  QSharedPointer<JsonSettingsDocument> m_document;
  QUndoStack m_undoStack;
  std::unique_ptr<QToolBar> m_toolBar;

Editor::Editor(TextEditorActionHandler &actionHandler)
  : m_document(new JsonSettingsDocument(&m_undoStack))
  setWidget(new EditorWidget(m_document, &m_undoStack, actionHandler));

  connect(&m_undoStack, &QUndoStack::canUndoChanged, this,
          [&actionHandler] { actionHandler.updateActions(); });

  connect(&m_undoStack, &QUndoStack::canRedoChanged, this,
          [&actionHandler] { actionHandler.updateActions(); });