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Examples of errors detected by the V639…

Examples of errors detected by the V639 diagnostic

V639. One of closing ')' parentheses is probably positioned incorrectly. Consider inspecting the expression for function call.

CryEngine 3 SDK

V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'ShouldRecordEvent' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. actortelemetry.cpp 288

bool ShouldRecordEvent(
  size_t eventID, IActor* pActor=NULL) const;

void CActorTelemetry::SubscribeToWeapon(EntityId weaponId)
  else if(pMgr->ShouldRecordEvent(eSE_Weapon), pOwnerRaw)


V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'isApprox' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. polynomialsolver.cpp 123

template<typename Scalar> EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC
inline bool isApprox(const Scalar& x, const Scalar& y,
  typename NumTraits<Scalar>::Real precision =

template< .... >
void evalSolverSugarFunction(....)
  const Scalar psPrec = sqrt( test_precision<Scalar>() );
  if (internal::isApprox(
        calc_realRoots[i], real_roots[j] ), psPrec)
    found = true;


V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'GetPropertyValue' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. pptx-epptbase.cxx 442

#define sal_True ((sal_Bool)1)

static bool GetPropertyValue(
  ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAny,
  const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                  ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet > &,
  const OUString& rPropertyName,
  bool bTestPropertyAvailability = false );

sal_Int32 PPTWriterBase::GetLayoutOffset( .... ) const
  ::com::sun::star::uno::Any aAny;
  sal_Int32 nLayout = 20;
  if ( GetPropertyValue(
          aAny, rXPropSet, OUString( "Layout" ) ), sal_True )
    aAny >>= nLayout;

  DBG(printf("GetLayoutOffset %" SAL_PRIdINT32 "\n", nLayout));
  return nLayout;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'GetPropertyValue' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. epptso.cxx 993
  • V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'GetPropertyValue' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. epptso.cxx 3677
  • V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'GetPropertyValue' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' brackets was positioned incorrectly. pptx-text.cxx 518
  • And 6 additional diagnostic messages.


V639 Consider inspecting the expression for 'isStoreUsed' function call. It is possible that one of the closing ')' parentheses was positioned incorrectly. ShrinkWrapping.cpp 80

bool isStoreUsed(const FrameIndexEntry &StoreFIE, ExprIterator Candidates,
                 bool IncludeLocalAccesses = true) const;

void CalleeSavedAnalysis::analyzeSaves() {
  // If this stack position is accessed in another function, we are
  // probably dealing with a parameter passed in a stack -- do not mess
  // with it
  if (SRU.isStoreUsed(*FIE,
                      Prev ? SRU.expr_begin(*Prev) : SRU.expr_begin(BB)),
      /*IncludeLocalAccesses=*/false) {
    Prev = &Inst;

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