Examples of errors detected by the V631 diagnostic
V631. Defining absolute path to file or directory is considered a poor coding style. Consider inspecting the 'Foo' function call.
V631 Consider inspecting the 'fopen' function call. Defining an absolute path to the file or directory is considered a poor style. writersink.cpp 13
STDMETHODIMP TmyWriterSink::OnHeader(INSSBuffer *pHeader)
if (!f) f=fopen("c:\\2.wmv","wb");
BYTE *buf; DWORD len;
return S_OK;
Even if this was written just for the purpose of debugging, you'd better not do it that way. Other programmers may have troubles working with it.
V631 Consider inspecting the 'CreateFileW' function call. Defining an absolute path to the file or directory is considered a poor style. netxmsd.cpp 126
static void CreateMiniDump(DWORD pid)
hFile = CreateFile(
_T("C:\\netxmsd.mdmp"), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
V631 Consider inspecting the 'LoadLibraryA' function call. Defining an absolute path to the file or directory is considered a poor style. VirtualDub leaks.cpp 67
hmodDbgHelp = LoadLibrary(
"c:\\program files\\debugging tools for windows\\dbghelp");
if (!hmodDbgHelp) {
hmodDbgHelp = LoadLibrary("c:\\program files (x86)\\......
Similar errors can be found in some other places:
- V631 Consider inspecting the 'LoadLibraryA' function call. Defining an absolute path to the file or directory is considered a poor style. VirtualDub leaks.cpp 69