Examples of errors detected by the V623 diagnostic
V623. Temporary object is created and then destroyed. Consider inspecting the '?:' operator.
V623 Consider inspecting the '?:' operator. A temporary object of the 'UnicodeString' type is being created and subsequently destroyed. Check third operand. treelist.cpp 2093
class UnicodeString
UnicodeString(const wchar_t *lpwszData)
const wchar_t *CPtr() const { return m_pData->GetData(); }
operator const wchar_t *() const { return m_pData->GetData(); }
typedef UnicodeString FARString;
struct TreeItem
FARString strName;
TreeItem **ListData;
void TreeList::SetTitle()
if (GetFocus())
FARString strTitleDir(L"{");
const wchar_t *Ptr = ListData
? ListData[CurFile]->strName // <=
: L""; // <=