Examples of errors detected by the V6113 diagnostic
V6113. Suspicious division. Absolute value of the left operand is less than the value of the right operand.
Apache Solr
V6113 The '(val) / (NUM_DOCS)' expression evaluates to 0 because the absolute value of the left operand 'val' is less than the value of the right operand 'NUM_DOCS'. SpellCheckCollatorTest.java 683
Public class SpellCheckCollatorTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 {
private static final int NUM_DOCS_WITH_TERM_EVERYOTHER = 8;
private static final int NUM_DOCS = 17;
public void testEstimatedHitCounts() {
for (int val = 5; val <= 20; val++) {
String hitsXPath = xpathPrefix + "long[@name='hits']";
int max = NUM_DOCS;
int min = (/* min collected */ val) /
(/* max docs possibly scanned */ NUM_DOCS);
hitsXPath += "[" + min + " <= . and . <= " + max + "]";