Examples of errors detected by the V6086 diagnostic
V6086. Suspicious code formatting. 'else' keyword is probably missing.
V6086 Suspicious code formatting. 'else' keyword is probably missing. DeckImporter.java(23)
public static DeckImporter getDeckImporter(String file) {
if (file == null) {
return null;
} if (file.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith("dec")) {
return new DecDeckImporter();
} else if (file.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith("mwdeck")) {
return new MWSDeckImporter();
} else if (file.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith("txt")) {
return new TxtDeckImporter(haveSideboardSection(file));
else {
return null;
V6086 Suspicious code formatting. 'else' keyword is probably missing. ScriptManagerW.java(209)
public static void addToJsObject(JsPropertyMap<Object> jsMap,
Map<String, Object> map
) {
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
Object object = entry.getValue();
if (object instanceof Integer) {
jsMap.set(entry.getKey(), unbox((Integer) object));
} if (object instanceof String[]) { // <=
JsArray<String> clean = JsArray.of();
for (String s: (String[]) object) {
jsMap.set(entry.getKey(), clean);
} else { // <=
jsMap.set(entry.getKey(), object); // <=
The else block will be executed when object is an instance of Integer resulting in overwriting the entry stored with the key entry.getKey().