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Examples of errors detected by the V599…

Examples of errors detected by the V599 diagnostic

V599. The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'Foo' class contains virtual functions.


V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'CompareOptions' class contains virtual functions. Merge diffcontext.cpp 90

CompareOptions *m_pCompareOptions;

  delete m_pCompareOptions;

class CompareOptions
  CompareOptions(const CompareOptions & options);
  virtual void SetFromDiffOptions(const DIFFOPTIONS & options);

  enum WhitespaceIgnoreChoices m_ignoreWhitespace;
  bool m_bIgnoreBlankLines;
  bool m_bIgnoreCase;
  bool m_bIgnoreEOLDifference;

class DiffutilsOptions : public CompareOptions

Multi Theft Auto

V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'CKeyBind' class contains virtual functions. ckeybinds.cpp 488

class CKeyBind
  //A virtual destructor is absent

class CKeyBindWithState: public CKeyBind { .... };
class CGTAControlBind: public CKeyBind { .... };

void CKeyBinds::Remove ( CKeyBind* pKeyBind )
  if ( m_bProcessingKeyStroke ) pKeyBind->beingDeleted = true;
    m_pList->remove ( pKeyBind );
    delete pKeyBind;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'CChat' class contains virtual functions. cgui.cpp 173
  • V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'CComplexEasingFunction' class contains virtual functions. ceasingcurve.cpp 151
  • V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'CComplexEasingFunction' class contains virtual functions. ceasingcurve.cpp 168
  • And 10 additional diagnostic messages.


V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'TsubtitleParserBase' class contains virtual functions. tsubtitlestextpintext.cpp 41

class TsubtitleParser : public TsubtitleParserBase { .... }
class TsubtitleParserSubrip09 : public TsubtitleParser { .... }

// Factory Pattern
TsubtitleParserBase* TsubtitleParserBase::getParser(
  int format, double fps, const TsubtitlesSettings *cfg,
  const Tconfig *ffcfg, Tsubreader *subreader,
  bool utf8, bool isEmbedded)
  switch (format & Tsubreader::SUB_FORMATMASK) {
  case Tsubreader::SUB_MICRODVD  :
    return new TsubtitleParserMicrodvd(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_SUBRIP    :
    return new TsubtitleParserSubrip(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_SUBVIEWER :
    return new TsubtitleParserSubviewer(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_SAMI      :
    return new TsubtitleParserSami(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_VPLAYER   :
    return new TsubtitleParserVplayer(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_RT        :
    return new TsubtitleParserRt(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_SSA       :
    return new TsubtitleParserSSA(..., isEmbedded);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_DUNNOWHAT :
    return new TsubtitleParserDunnowhat(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_MPSUB     :
    return new TsubtitleParserMPsub(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_AQTITLE   :
    return new TsubtitleParserAqt(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_SUBVIEWER2:
    return new TsubtitleParserSubviewer2(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_SUBRIP09  :
    return new TsubtitleParserSubrip09(...);
  case Tsubreader::SUB_MPL2      :
    return new TsubtitleParserMPL2(...);
    return NULL;

TsubtitleParserBase *parser;
parser = TsubtitleParserBase::getParser(
  type, fps1000 / 1000.0, cfg, ffcfg, subs, utf8, true);

  if (parser) {
    delete parser;

A destructor is absent in TsubtitleParserBase. A virtual destructor is needed.

Trans-Proteomic Pipeline

V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'DiscriminantFunction' class contains virtual functions. discrimvalmixturedistr.cxx 206

class DiscriminantFunction {
  DiscriminantFunction(int charge);
  virtual Boolean isComputable(SearchResult* result) = 0;
  virtual double getDiscriminantScore(SearchResult* result) = 0;
  virtual void error(int charge);
  int charge_;
  double const_;
}; // class

class CometDiscrimFunction : public DiscriminantFunction;
class CruxDiscrimFunction : public DiscriminantFunction;
class InspectDiscrimFunction : public DiscriminantFunction;

class DiscrimValMixtureDistr : public MixtureDistr {
  DiscriminantFunction* discrim_func_;

DiscrimValMixtureDistr::~DiscrimValMixtureDistr() {
  delete[] posinit_;
  delete[] neginit_;
  delete discrim_func_;


V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'VDDialogBaseW32' class contains virtual functions. VirtualDub gui.cpp 997

class VDDialogBaseW32 {
  virtual INT_PTR DlgProc(....) = 0;
  virtual bool PreNCDestroy();

class VDDialogAudioFilterFormatConvConfig :
  public VDDialogBaseW32
{ .... };

INT_PTR CALLBACK VDDialogBaseW32::StaticDlgProc(....) {
  VDDialogBaseW32 *pThis =
    (VDDialogBaseW32 *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER);
  delete pThis;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'VDMPEGAudioPolyphaseFilter' class contains virtual functions. Priss engine.cpp 35

Source Engine SDK

V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'CFlashlightEffect' class contains virtual functions. Client (HL2) c_baseplayer.cpp 454

class CFlashlightEffect

class CHeadlightEffect : public CFlashlightEffect { .... };

CFlashlightEffect *m_pFlashlight;

  delete m_pFlashlight;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'IHaptics' class contains virtual functions. Client (HL2) haptic_utils.cpp 150
  • V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'CBaseCommand' class contains virtual functions. Client (HL2) scratchpad3d.cpp 205
  • V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'CStriderMinigun' class contains virtual functions. Server (HL2) npc_strider.cpp 432
  • And 3 additional diagnostic messages.


V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'CKeyMap' class contains virtual functions. ckeystate.cpp 408

class CKeyMap {
  virtual void swap(CKeyMap&);
  virtual void addHalfDuplexModifier(KeyID key);
  virtual void finish();

class CMockKeyMap : public CKeyMap { .... };

CKeyMap* m_keyMapPtr;

  if (m_keyMapPtr)
    delete m_keyMapPtr;


V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'Context' class contains virtual functions. context.cpp 2955

class Context
  virtual void markContextLost();

void glDestroyContext(gl::Context *context)
  delete context;

  if (context == gl::getContext())
    gl::makeCurrent(NULL, NULL, NULL);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'Surface' class contains virtual functions. display.cpp 241
  • V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'Surface' class contains virtual functions. display.cpp 354
  • V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'Surface' class contains virtual functions. display.cpp 412


V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'Command' class contains virtual functions. TortoiseGitProc tortoiseproc.cpp 497

class Command
  virtual bool Execute() = 0;

class SVNIgnoreCommand : public Command ....
class AddCommand : public Command ....
class AutoTextTestCommand : public Command ....

BOOL CTortoiseProcApp::InitInstance()
  Command * cmd = server.GetCommand(....);
  delete cmd;

Miranda NG

V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'CNetClient' class contains virtual functions. YAMN pop3.h 23

class CNetClient
  CNetClient(): Stopped(FALSE) {}
  virtual void Connect(const char* servername,const int port)=0;
  virtual void Send(const char *query)=0;
  virtual char* Recv(char *buf=NULL,int buflen=65536)=0;
  virtual void Disconnect()=0;
  virtual BOOL Connected()=0;
  virtual void SSLify()=0;

class CNLClient: public CNetClient { .... };

class CPop3Client

  class CNetClient *NetClient;

  ~CPop3Client() {
    if (NetClient != NULL) delete NetClient;


Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'CUpdProgress' class contains virtual functions. UInfoEx svc_refreshci.cpp 606
  • V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'CNetClient' class contains virtual functions. YAMN pop3.cpp 42
  • V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'FactoryBase' class contains virtual functions. HistoryStats column.cpp 30
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'Curve' class contains virtual functions. constraints.cpp 1442

class Curve
//a base class for all curve-based
//objects (line, circle/arc, ellipse/arc)  // <=
  virtual DeriVector2 CalculateNormal(....) = 0;
  virtual int PushOwnParams(VEC_pD &pvec) = 0;
  virtual void ReconstructOnNewPvec (....) = 0;
  virtual Curve* Copy() = 0;

class Line: public Curve    // <=
  Point p1;
  Point p2;
  DeriVector2 CalculateNormal(Point &p, double* derivparam = 0);
  virtual int PushOwnParams(VEC_pD &pvec);
  virtual void ReconstructOnNewPvec (VEC_pD &pvec, int &cnt);
  virtual Line* Copy();


class ConstraintAngleViaPoint : public Constraint
  inline double* angle() { return pvec[0]; };
  Curve* crv1;  // <=
  Curve* crv2;  // <=

  delete crv1; crv1 = 0; // <=
  delete crv2; crv2 = 0; // <=


V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'INParameterGmpZAux' class contains virtual functions. igcdzippel.cpp 212

class INParameterGmpZAux {
  ~INParameterGmpZAux() {
  virtual void set(const INParameterGmpZAux& a);

void IGcdZippel::getMinimum(IList<INParameterGmpZAux*>& list,
    INParameterGmpZAux& minimum) {
  INParameterGmpZAux* result = (*it);
  delete result;

Unreal Engine 4

V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'FD3D12Device' class contains virtual functions. d3d12device.cpp 448

class FD3D12Device
  virtual void InitD3DDevice();
  virtual void CleanupD3DDevice();
  // Destructor is not declared

FD3D12Device* MainDevice;

void FD3D12DynamicRHI::Shutdown()

Computational Network Toolkit

V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'IDataWriter' class contains virtual functions. datawriter.cpp 47

template <class ElemType>
class DATAWRITER_API IDataWriter
    typedef std::string LabelType;
    typedef unsigned int LabelIdType;

    virtual void Init(....) = 0;
    virtual void Init(....) = 0;
    virtual void Destroy() = 0;
    virtual void GetSections(....) = 0;
    virtual bool SaveData(....) = 0;
    virtual void SaveMapping(....) = 0;

IDataWriter<ElemType>* m_dataWriter;
template <class ElemType>
void DataWriter<ElemType>::Destroy()
    delete m_dataWriter; // <= V599 warning
    m_dataWriter = NULL;


V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'TTileSet' class contains virtual functions. cellselection.cpp 891

class DVAPI TTileSet
  TDimension m_srcImageSize;

  typedef std::vector<Tile *> Tiles;
  Tiles m_tiles;

  TTileSet(const TDimension &dim) : m_srcImageSize(dim)
  ~TTileSet();      // <=
  virtual void add(const TRasterP &ras, TRect rect) = 0;
  virtual TTileSet *clone() const = 0;

void redo() const
  TTileSet *tiles;  // <=
  bool isLevelCreated;
  pasteRasterImageInCellWithoutUndo(...., &tiles, ....);
  delete tiles;     // <=

class DVAPI TTileSetCM32 : public TTileSet class DVAPI TTileSetCM32 : public TTileSet class DVAPI TTileSetFullColor : public TTileSet class DVAPI Tile : public TTileSet::Tile

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'MessageParser' class contains virtual functions. tipcsrv.cpp 91
  • V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'ColumnToCurveMapper' class contains virtual functions. functionselection.cpp 278


V599 The virtual destructor is not present, although the 'FunctionParser' class contains virtual functions. functionparser.cpp 39

class FunctionParser
friend class FunctionParsersManager;
  FunctionParser(....): ....{};

  virtual void parse(....) = 0;
  void funcParse(....);
  bool isInZones(....);
  generic_string _id;
  generic_string _displayName;
  generic_string _commentExpr;
  generic_string _functionExpr;
  std::vector<generic_string> _functionNameExprArray;
  std::vector<generic_string> _classNameExprArray;
  void getCommentZones(....);
  void getInvertZones(....);
  generic_string parseSubLevel(....);

std::vector<FunctionParser *> _parsers;

  for (size_t i = 0, len = _parsers.size(); i < len; ++i)
    delete _parsers[i]; // <=

  if (_pXmlFuncListDoc)
    delete _pXmlFuncListDoc;

class FunctionZoneParser : public FunctionParser class FunctionUnitParser : public FunctionParser class FunctionMixParser : public FunctionZoneParser


V599 The destructor was not declared as a virtual one, although the 'ImGuiDialog' class contains virtual functions. imgui_dialog.cc 46

class ImGuiDialog
  virtual void OnShow() {}
  virtual void OnClose() {}
  virtual void OnDraw(ImGuiIO& io) {}

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