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Examples of errors detected by the V571…

Examples of errors detected by the V571 diagnostic

V571. Recurring check. This condition was already verified in previous line.


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (endian == DetectEndianness)' condition was already verified in line 470. bootstrap qutfcodec.cpp 471

QString QUtf32::convertToUnicode(....)
  if (endian == DetectEndianness) {
    if (endian == DetectEndianness) {

Just an odd double check.

Energy Checker SDK

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (ret == PL_FAILURE)' condition was already verified in line 1008. pl_csv_logger pl_csv_logger.c 1009

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if(ret == PL_FAILURE) {
    if(ret == PL_FAILURE) {

IPP Samples

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (x < 0)' condition was already verified in line 1025. 3d-viewer rrdemosupport.cpp 1026

void rrGetNextBunch_Spiral(....)
  int x,y;
  if(x < 0)
    if(x < 0)  goto _begine;
  if(y < 0)
    if(y < 0)  goto _begine;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (y < 0)' condition was already verified in line 1028. 3d-viewer rrdemosupport.cpp 1029


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (_hTab == hTabOld)' condition was already verified in line 478. Notepad++ gripper.cpp 485

void Gripper::doTabReordering(POINT pt)
  else if (_hTab == hTabOld)
    /* delete item on switch between tabs */
    ::SendMessage(_hTab, TCM_DELETEITEM, iItemOld, 0);
    if (_hTab == hTabOld)
      /* delete item on switch between tabs */
      ::SendMessage(_hTab, TCM_DELETEITEM, iItemOld, 0);


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (agrp == ((void *) 0))' condition was already verified in line 1108. bf_blenkernel ipo.c 1110

static void fcurve_add_to_list (....)
  if (agrp == NULL) {
    if (agrp == NULL) {

Multi Theft Auto

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (pNode)' condition was already verified in line 162. cluafunctiondefs.xml.cpp 164

int CLuaFunctionDefs::XMLNodeGetName ( lua_State* luaVM )
  CXMLNode* pNode = NULL;
  CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
  argStream.ReadUserData ( pNode );

  if ( !argStream.HasErrors ( ) )
    if ( pNode )
      if ( pNode )
        lua_pushstring (
          luaVM, pNode->GetTagName ().c_str () );
        return 1;
    m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom (
      luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

  lua_pushboolean ( luaVM, false );
  return 1;


V571 Recurring check. The 'rBegin < insPos' condition was already verified in line 2073. store_all.h 2079

void convertMatchesToGlobalAlignment(....)
  TContigPos rBegin = _min((*j).beginPos, (*j).endPos);
  TContigPos rEnd = _max((*j).beginPos, (*j).endPos);
  if (rBegin < insPos && insPos < rEnd)
    if (rBegin < insPos)
      TReadGaps gaps(....);
      insertGap(gaps, insPos - rBegin);
    } else
      if ((*j).beginPos < (*j).endPos)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'rBegin < insPos' condition was already verified in line 2260. store_all.h 2262

CryEngine V

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (pos == npos)' condition was already verified in line 1530. CryString.h 1539

//! Find last single character.
// \return -1 if not found, distance from beginning otherwise.
template<class T>
inline typename CryStringT<T>::....::rfind(....) const
  const_str str;
  if (pos == npos)
    // find last single character
    str = _strrchr(m_str, ch);
    // return -1 if not found, distance from beginning otherwise
    return (str == NULL) ?
      (size_type) - 1 : (size_type)(str - m_str);
    if (pos == npos)
      pos = length();
    if (pos > length())
      return npos;

    value_type tmp = m_str[pos + 1];
    m_str[pos + 1] = 0;
    str = _strrchr(m_str, ch);
    m_str[pos + 1] = tmp;
  return (str == NULL) ?
   (size_type) - 1 : (size_type)(str - m_str);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (pos == npos)' condition was already verified in line 1262. CryFixedString.h 1271


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (ret != 0)' condition was already verified in line 5806. Piezosystem_dDrive.cpp 5807

int XYStage::OnTriggerEndX(MM::PropertyBase* pProp,
                           MM::ActionType eAct){
  if (eAct == MM::BeforeGet)
    int ret = GetCommandValue("trgse",xChannel_,chx_.trgse_);
    if (ret!=DEVICE_OK)
    if (ret!=DEVICE_OK)
      return ret;

No trouble. Superfluous check.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (ret != 0)' condition was already verified in line 5824. Piezosystem_dDrive.cpp 5825
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (ret != 0)' condition was already verified in line 9073. Piezosystem_dDrive.cpp 9074
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (ret != 0)' condition was already verified in line 9091. Piezosystem_dDrive.cpp 9092
  • And 4 additional diagnostic messages.

Unreal Engine 4

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (BeamTD)' condition was already verified in line 1650. particlecomponents.cpp 1652

bool UParticleEmitter::CalculateMaxActiveParticleCount()
  UParticleModuleTypeDataBeam2* BeamTD = ....;

  if (BeamTD)
    if (BeamTD)
      bForceMaxCount = true;
      MaxCount = BeamTD->MaxBeamCount + 2;

Unreal Engine 4

V571 Recurring check. The 'Properties' condition was already verified in line 941. audiodevice.cpp 943

void FAudioDevice::RecurseIntoSoundClasses(....)
  if( ChildClass && Properties )
    if (Properties)


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (QWindowsContext::verboseFonts)' condition was already verified in line 369. qwindowsfontengine.cpp 370

  if (QWindowsContext::verboseFonts)
    if (QWindowsContext::verboseFonts)
      qDebug("%s: font='%s", __FUNCTION__, qPrintable(_name));


V571 Recurring check. The 'wizard->wizard->retrieve_fields' condition was already verified in line 1520. sorcery.c 1521

void *ast_sorcery_retrieve_by_fields(....)
  } else if (fields && wizard->wizard->retrieve_fields) {  // <=
      if (wizard->wizard->retrieve_fields) {               // <=
        object = wizard->wizard->retrieve_fields(....);

Miranda NG

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (m_pOnlyOneInstance == 0)' condition was already verified in line 24. MirFox mirfoxcommons_logger.h 25

getInstance() {
  //initialized always from one thread
  if (m_pOnlyOneInstance == NULL) {
    if (m_pOnlyOneInstance == NULL) {
      m_pOnlyOneInstance = new MFLogger();
  return m_pOnlyOneInstance;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (m_pOnlyOneInstance == 0)' condition was already verified in line 148. MirFox mirfoxcommons_sharedmemory.h 149
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (m_pOnlyOneInstance == 0)' condition was already verified in line 61. MirFox mirfoxcommons_messagequeuebysm.h 62
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (m_pOnlyOneInstance == 0)' condition was already verified in line 33. MirFox mirandautils.h 34
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.

Spring Engine

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (0 == MatFilePtr)' condition was already verified in line 140. assimp ogrematerial.cpp 143

OgreImporter::LoadMaterial(const std::string MaterialName) const
    //try the default mat Library


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (moduleInfo[MSCORWKS].baseAddr == 0)' condition was already verified in line 749. sos util.cpp 751

struct ModuleInfo
  ULONG64 baseAddr;
  ULONG64 size;
  BOOL hasPdb;

  // Do we have clr.dll
  if (moduleInfo[MSCORWKS].baseAddr == 0)          // <=
      if (moduleInfo[MSCORWKS].baseAddr == 0)      // <=
          g_ExtSymbols->GetModuleByModuleName (
      if (moduleInfo[MSCORWKS].baseAddr != 0 &&    // <=
          moduleInfo[MSCORWKS].hasPdb == FALSE)

Unreal Engine 4

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (LocItem.MetadataObj.IsValid())' condition was already verified in line 427. generategatherarchivecommandlet.cpp 429

void UGenerateGatherArchiveCommandlet::ConditionSource(....)
  if( LocItem.MetadataObj.IsValid() )
    if( LocItem.MetadataObj.IsValid() )
      ConditionSourceMetadata( MakeShareable(....) );

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (MipInfo[i].MipData)' condition was already verified in line 4760. landscapeeditinterface.cpp 4762
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (BeamTD)' condition was already verified in line 1667. particlecomponents.cpp 1669
  • V571 Recurring check. This condition was already verified in line 1030. landscapeeditordetailcustomization_newlandscape.cpp 1032
  • And 2 additional diagnostic messages.

FreeBSD Kernel

V571 Recurring check. This condition was already verified in line 1946. sahw.c 1949

bit32 siHDAMode_V(....)
  if( saRoot->memoryAllocated.agMemory[i].totalLength > biggest)
    if(biggest < saRoot->memoryAllocated.agMemory[i].totalLength)
      save = i;
      biggest = saRoot->memoryAllocated.agMemory[i].totalLength;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. This condition was already verified in line 1940. if_rl.c 1941


V571 Recurring check. The 'comp->nbStep == i + 1' condition was already verified in line 1649. pattern.c 1655

static int xmlStreamCompile(xmlPatternPtr comp) {
  if ((comp->nbStep == i + 1) &&   // <=
      (flags & XML_STREAM_STEP_DESC))
    if (comp->nbStep == i + 1) {   // <=
      stream->flags |= XML_STREAM_FINAL_IS_ANY_NODE;

PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (!sapi_module.phpinfo_as_text)' condition was already verified in line 975. info.c 978

PHPAPI void php_print_info(int flag)
  if (!sapi_module.phpinfo_as_text) {
  } else {

PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (!sapi_module.phpinfo_as_text)' condition was already verified in line 1058. info.c 1059

PHPAPI void php_print_info(int flag)
  if (!sapi_module.phpinfo_as_text) {
    SECTION("PHP License");


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (Result != ((HRESULT) 0L))' condition was already verified in line 56. extractengine.cpp 58

void Process2()
  if (Result != S_OK)
    if (Result != S_OK)
      ErrorMessage = kCantOpenArchive;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The '!quoteMode' condition was already verified in line 18. stringutils.cpp 20
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'IsVarStr(params[1], 22)' condition was already verified in line 3377. nsisin.cpp 3381

Open X-Ray Engine

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (m_pPhysicsShell)' condition was already verified in line 32. destroyablephysicsobject.cpp 33

void CDestroyablePhysicsObject::OnChangeVisual()
  if (m_pPhysicsShell){


V571 Recurring check. The 'back == false' condition was already verified in line 388. Path.cpp 389

Path::SetBackData (bool nVal)
  if (back == false) {
    if (nVal == true && back == false) {
      back = true;
    } else if (nVal == false && back == true) {
      back = false;
  } else {
    if (nVal == true && back == false) {
      back = true;
    } else if (nVal == false && back == true) {
      back = false;


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (do_fill)' condition was already verified in line 751. editmesh_rip.c 752

static int edbm_rip_invoke__vert(....)
  if (do_fill) {
     if (do_fill) {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'but' condition was already verified in line 9587. interface_handlers.c 9590
  • V571 Recurring check. The '!me->mloopcol' condition was already verified in line 252. paint_vertex.c 253
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'constinv == 0' condition was already verified in line 5256. transform_conversions.c 5257
  • And 2 additional diagnostic messages.


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (s->state.r == 0)' condition was already verified in line 147. rurwl.c 148

void rurw_r_unlock(....) {
  if (s->state.r == 0) {  // <=
    if (s->state.r == 0)  // <=
      s->thr = 0;
    p->rurw_readers -= 1;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'def->mrd_usage & 0x0100U' condition was already verified in line 319. mr.c 322

Apache HTTP Server

V571 Recurring check. The 'ldc->ChaseReferrals == 1' condition was already verified in line 399. util_ldap.c 400

static int uldap_connection_init(....)
  if (ldc->ChaseReferrals==AP_LDAP_CHASEREFERRALS_ON){
    if ((ldc->ReferralHopLimit != AP_LDAP_HOPLIMIT_UNSET) &&
         ldc->ChaseReferrals == AP_LDAP_CHASEREFERRALS_ON) {


V571 Recurring check. The 'isInStatement' condition was already verified in line 2292. ASBeautifier.cpp 2293

void ASBeautifier::parseCurrentLine(const string& line)
  if(isInStatement && !inStatementIndentStack->empty()) {  // <=
    if(prevNonSpaceCh == '=' &&
       isInStatement && !inStatementIndentStack->empty())  // <=
        inStatementIndentStack->back() = 0;


V571 Recurring check. The 'isDirectory' condition was already verified in line 166. FileSystem.cpp 169

FileSystem::getContents(const std::string& path,
                        bool forceUpdate)
  // Does this path exist on the real filesystem?
  if (exists && isDirectory)
    // Is this path actually a directory?
    if (isDirectory)

CryEngine V

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (rLightInfo.m_pDynTexture)' condition was already verified in line 69. ObjMan.cpp 70

// Safe memory helpers
#define SAFE_RELEASE(p){ if (p) { (p)->Release(); (p) = NULL; } }

void CObjManager::UnloadVegetationModels(bool bDeleteAll)
  SVegetationSpriteLightInfo& rLightInfo = ....;
  if (rLightInfo.m_pDynTexture)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (m_pSectorGroups)' condition was already verified in line 48. PartitionGrid.cpp 50


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (lwc->searchnxt > 0)' condition was already verified in line 208. lwresd.c 209

ns_lwresd_parseeresolvconf(isc_mem_t *mctx, cfg_parser_t *pctx,
         cfg_obj_t **configp)
  if (lwc->searchnxt > 0) {                           // <=
    if (lwc->searchnxt > 0) {                         // <=
      CHECK(buffer_putstr(&b, "\tsearch {\n"));
      for (i = 0; i < lwc->searchnxt; i++) {
        CHECK(buffer_putstr(&b, "\t\t\""));
        CHECK(buffer_putstr(&b, lwc->search[i]));
        CHECK(buffer_putstr(&b, "\";\n"));
      CHECK(buffer_putstr(&b, "\t};\n"));


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE != err2)' condition was already verified in line 942. face_test_suite.c 943

int perform_model_evaluation(mv_face_recognition_model_h model)
  int err2 = mv_destroy_source(source);
  if (MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE != err2) {                   // <=
    if (MEDIA_VISION_ERROR_NONE != err2) {                 // <=
          "ERROR: .......: %i"
          TEXT_RESET "\n", err2);


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (it1->fuzzy_match || it2->fuzzy_match)' condition was already verified in line 120. evry_plug_actions.c 121

static int
_cb_sort(const void *data1, const void *data2)
  const Evry_Item *it1 = data1;
  const Evry_Item *it2 = data2;
  if (it1->fuzzy_match || it2->fuzzy_match)
    if (it1->fuzzy_match || it2->fuzzy_match)

EFL Core Libraries

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (!disk->cache.vendor)' condition was already verified in line 298. eeze_disk.c 299

EAPI void eeze_disk_scan(Eeze_Disk *disk)
  if (!disk->cache.vendor)
    if (!disk->cache.vendor)
      disk->cache.vendor = udev_device_get_sysattr_value(....);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (!disk->cache.model)' condition was already verified in line 302. eeze_disk.c 303
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (priv->last_buffer)' condition was already verified in line 150. emotion_sink.c 152
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (pd->editable)' condition was already verified in line 892. elm_code_widget.c 894
  • And 2 additional diagnostic messages.


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (working_on_selection)' condition was already verified in line 284. editor_ops.cc 314

Editor::split_regions_at (....)
  if (working_on_selection) {
  } else {
    if( working_on_selection ) {
      //these are the new regions created after the split
      selection->add (latest_regionviews);

  commit_reversible_command ();

Steinberg SDKs

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (vstPlug)' condition was already verified in line 170. vsttestsuite.cpp 172

bool VstTestBase::teardown ()
  if (vstPlug)
    if (vstPlug)
      vstPlug->activateBus (kAudio, kInput, 0, false);
      vstPlug->activateBus (kAudio, kOutput, 0, false);
    plugProvider->releasePlugIn (vstPlug, controller);
  return true;

NCBI Genome Workbench

V571 Recurring check. The 'if (m_QueryOpts->filtering_options)' condition was already verified in line 703. blast_options_local_priv.hpp 713

inline void
CBlastOptionsLocal::SetFilterString(const char* f)
  if (m_QueryOpts->filtering_options)      // <=
    SBlastFilterOptions* old_opts = m_QueryOpts->filtering_options;
    m_QueryOpts->filtering_options = NULL;
      old_opts, new_opts);
    old_opts = SBlastFilterOptionsFree(old_opts);
    new_opts = SBlastFilterOptionsFree(new_opts);
     if (m_QueryOpts->filtering_options)   // <=
         m_QueryOpts->filtering_options =
     m_QueryOpts->filtering_options = new_opts;
     new_opts = NULL;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (sleeptime)' condition was already verified in line 205. request_control.cpp 208
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'if (assignValue.empty())' condition was already verified in line 712. classstr.cpp 718


V571 CWE-571 Recurring check. The 'child.isLineBreak()' condition was already verified in line 208. sexpression.cpp 209

QString SExpression::toString(int indent) const {
  if (child.isLineBreak() && nextChildIsLineBreak) {
    if (child.isLineBreak() && (i > 0) &&
      mChildren.at(i - 1).isLineBreak()) {
      // too many line breaks ;)
    } else {
      str += '\n';


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (lastsector)' condition was already verified in line 636. udf25.cpp:644

int udf25::UDFGetAVDP( struct avdp_t *avdp)
  uint32_t lastsector;
  lastsector = 0; // <=
  for(;;) {
    if( lastsector ) { // <= V547
      lbnum = lastsector;
      terminate = 1;
    } else {
      //! @todo Find last sector of the disc (this is optional).
      if( lastsector ) // <= V547
        lbnum = lastsector - 256;
        return 0;


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (fCanvasImp)' condition was already verified in line 799. TCanvas.cxx 800

#define SafeDelete(p) { if (p) { delete p; p = 0; } }

void TCanvas::Close(Option_t *option)
  if (fCanvasImp)


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (begin_ != last_)' condition was already verified in line 1138. unicode_traits.hpp 1140

template <class CharT = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type>
typename std::enable_if<sizeof(CharT) == sizeof(uint16_t)>::type
    begin_ += length_;
    if (begin_ != last_)
        if (begin_ != last_)


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (!NameOrErr)' condition was already verified in line 4666. ELFDumper.cpp 4667

template <class ELFT>
void GNUStyle<ELFT>::printVersionSymbolSection(const ELFFile<ELFT> *Obj,
                                               const Elf_Shdr *Sec) {

  Expected<StringRef> NameOrErr =
      this->dumper()->getSymbolVersionByIndex(Ndx, IsDefault);
  if (!NameOrErr) {
    if (!NameOrErr) {
      unsigned SecNdx = Sec - &cantFail(Obj->sections()).front();
          "unable to get a version for entry " + Twine(I) +
          " of SHT_GNU_versym section with index " + Twine(SecNdx) + ": " +


V571 [CWE-571] Recurring check. The 'if (unmetDependencies.isEmpty())' condition was already verified in line 2203. main.cpp 2209

bool copyQtFiles(Options *options)
  if (unmetDependencies.isEmpty()) {
    if (options->verbose) {
      fprintf(stdout, "  -- Skipping %s, architecture mismatch.\n",
  } else {
    if (unmetDependencies.isEmpty()) {
      if (options->verbose) {
        fprintf(stdout, "  -- Skipping %s, architecture mismatch.\n",
    } else {
      fprintf(stdout, "  -- Skipping %s. It has unmet dependencies: %s.\n",


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string == NULL)' condition was already verified in line 245. audit_mac.c 246

audit_arg_mac_string(struct kaudit_record *ar, ....)
  if (ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string == NULL)
    ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string = kheap_alloc(....);
  if (ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string == NULL)
    if (ar->k_ar.ar_arg_mac_string == NULL) // <=


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (activeInput)' condition was already verified in line 249. ServiceAudio.cpp 250

std::optional<AudioMux::Input *> AudioMux::GetActiveInput();


auto Audio::handleSetVolume(....) -> std::unique_ptr<AudioResponseMessage>
  if (const auto activeInput = audioMux.GetActiveInput(); activeInput)
    if (activeInput)
      retCode = activeInput.value()->audio->SetOutputVolume(clampedValue);

Godot Engine

V571 Recurring check. The 'mb->is_pressed()' condition was already verified in line 837. grid_map_editor_plugin.cpp 838

void GridMapEditor::_mesh_library_palette_input(const Ref<InputEvent> &p_ie)
  const Ref<InputEventMouseButton> mb = p_ie;
  // Zoom in/out using Ctrl + mouse wheel
  if (mb.is_valid() && mb->is_pressed() && mb->is_command_or_control_pressed())
    if (mb->is_pressed() && mb->get_button_index() == MouseButton::WHEEL_UP)
      size_slider->set_value(size_slider->get_value() + 0.2);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V571 Recurring check. The '!r_state.floor' condition was already verified in line 1711. physics_body_3d.cpp 1713
  • V571 Recurring check. The '!wd_window.is_popup' condition was already verified in line 2012. display_server_x11.cpp 2013
  • V571 Recurring check. The 'member.variable->initializer' condition was already verified in line 946. gdscript_analyzer.cpp 949


V571 Recurring check. The 'if (it == sets.cend())' condition was already verified in line 208. data_stickers.cpp 209

void Stickers::incrementSticker(not_null<DocumentData*> document)
  bool writeRecentStickers = false;
  auto &sets = setsRef();
  auto it = sets.find(Data::Stickers::CloudRecentSetId);
  if (it == sets.cend()) {              // <=
    if (it == sets.cend()) {            // <=
      it = sets.emplace(
          uint64(0), // accessHash
          uint64(0), // hash
          0, // count

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