Examples of errors detected by the V3122 diagnostic
V3122. Uppercase (lowercase) string is compared with a different lowercase (uppercase) string.
V3122 The 'result.RewritePath.ToLowerInvariant()' lowercase string is compared with the '"tabId="' mixed case string. AdvancedUrlRewriter.cs 2252
private void ProcessRequest(....)
if (!result.RewritePath.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("tabId="))
V3122 The 'path.ToLowerInvariant()' lowercase string is compared with the 'Localization.LocalResourceDirectory' mixed case string. LanguagesController.cs 644
public static string LocalResourceDirectory
return "App_LocalResources";
private static bool HasLocalResources(string path)
var folderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path);
if (path.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(Localization.LocalResourceDirectory))
return true;