Examples of errors detected by the V3112 diagnostic
V3112. An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression.
V3112 An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression 'baseValue == other.counterFrequency'. System-net_4_x CounterSample.cs 139
public bool Equals (CounterSample other)
rawValue == other.rawValue &&
baseValue == other.counterFrequency && // <=
counterFrequency == other.counterFrequency && // <=
systemFrequency == other.systemFrequency &&
timeStamp == other.timeStamp &&
timeStamp100nSec == other.timeStamp100nSec &&
counterTimeStamp == other.counterTimeStamp &&
counterType == other.counterType;
Azure SDK for .NET
V3112 An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression 'ContentLanguage == other.ContentEncoding'. BlobSasBuilder.cs 410
public struct BlobSasBuilder : IEquatable<BlobSasBuilder>
public bool Equals(BlobSasBuilder other) =>
BlobName == other.BlobName &&
CacheControl == other.CacheControl &&
BlobContainerName == other.BlobContainerName &&
ContentDisposition == other.ContentDisposition &&
ContentEncoding == other.ContentEncoding && // <=
ContentLanguage == other.ContentEncoding && // <=
ContentType == other.ContentType &&
ExpiryTime == other.ExpiryTime &&
Identifier == other.Identifier &&
IPRange == other.IPRange &&
Permissions == other.Permissions &&
Protocol == other.Protocol &&
StartTime == other.StartTime &&
Version == other.Version;
Azure SDK for .NET
V3112 An abnormality within similar comparisons. It is possible that a typo is present inside the expression 'ContentLanguage == other.ContentEncoding'. FileSasBuilder.cs 265
public struct FileSasBuilder : IEquatable<FileSasBuilder>
public bool Equals(FileSasBuilder other)
=> CacheControl == other.CacheControl
&& ContentDisposition == other.ContentDisposition
&& ContentEncoding == other.ContentEncoding // <=
&& ContentLanguage == other.ContentEncoding // <=
&& ContentType == other.ContentType
&& ExpiryTime == other.ExpiryTime
&& FilePath == other.FilePath
&& Identifier == other.Identifier
&& IPRange == other.IPRange
&& Permissions == other.Permissions
&& Protocol == other.Protocol
&& ShareName == other.ShareName
&& StartTime == other.StartTime
&& Version == other.Version