Examples of errors detected by the V3085 diagnostic
V3085. The name of 'X' field/property in a nested type is ambiguous. The outer type contains static field/property with identical name.
V3085 The name of 'RtpHeaderBytes' field in a nested type is ambiguous. The outer type contains static field with identical name. HdHomerunUdpStream.cs 200
public class HdHomerunUdpStream : LiveStream, IDirectStreamProvider
private static int RtpHeaderBytes = 12;
public class UdpClientStream : Stream
private static int RtpHeaderBytes = 12;
private static int PacketSize = 1316;
private readonly MediaBrowser.Model.Net.ISocket _udpClient;
bool disposed;
V3085 The name of 'typeofObject' field in a nested type is ambiguous. The outer type contains static field with identical name. PropsGump.cs 744
private static Type typeofObject = typeof( object );
private class GroupComparer : IComparer
private static Type typeofObject = typeof( Object );