Examples of errors detected by the V3065 diagnostic
V3065. Parameter is not utilized inside method's body.
V3065 Parameter 'height' is not utilized inside method's body. SiliconStudio.Xenko Image.cs 473
private static ImageDescription
CreateDescription(TextureDimension dimension,
int width, int height, int depth, ....)
public static Image New3D(int width, int height, int depth, ....)
return new Image(
width, width, depth,
mipMapCount, format, 1),
dataPointer, 0, null, false);
Old NASA World Wind (C#)
V3065 Parameter 'vertex2' is not utilized inside method's body. CPolygon.cs 227
public bool Diagonal(CPoint2D vertex1, CPoint2D vertex2)
for (int i= 0; i<nNumOfVertices; i++)
//Diagonal line:
double x1=vertex1.X;
double y1=vertex1.Y;
double x2=vertex1.X;
double y2=vertex1.Y;