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Webinar: C++ semantics - 06.11

Examples of errors detected by the V306…

Examples of errors detected by the V3063 diagnostic

V3063. A part of conditional expression is always true/false if it is evaluated.


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true: exception == null. Xamarin.Forms.Xaml ApplyPropertiesVisitor.cs 280

static BindableProperty
GetBindableProperty(Type elementType,
                               string localName,
                               IXmlLineInfo lineInfo,
                               bool throwOnError = false)
  Exception exception = null;
  if (exception == null && bindableFieldInfo == null)
    exception = new XamlParseException(
      string.Format("BindableProperty {0} not found on {1}",
      localName + "Property", elementType.Name), lineInfo);


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false if it is evaluated: type == IntArrayType.Dense. IntArray.cs 129

public static IntArray New(...., IntArrayType type, IntArrayBits bitsPerItem)
  Contracts.CheckParam(type == IntArrayType.Current ||
                       type == IntArrayType.Repeat ||
                       type == IntArrayType.Segmented, nameof(type));

  if (type == IntArrayType.Dense || bitsPerItem == IntArrayBits.Bits0)
  else if (type == IntArrayType.Sparse)
    return new DeltaSparseIntArray(length, bitsPerItem);
  return null;


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false: i < low. Accord.Math JaggedEigenvalueDecompositionF.cs 571

private void hqr2()
  int low = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++)
    if (i < low | i > high)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false: i < low. Accord.Math JaggedEigenvalueDecompositionF.cs 972
  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false: i < low. Accord.Math JaggedEigenvalueDecomposition.cs 571
  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false: i < low. Accord.Math JaggedEigenvalueDecomposition.cs 972
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.

Old NASA World Wind (C#)

V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false: currentSurfaceImage == null. SurfaceTile.cs 1069

private bool checkSurfaceImageChange()
  SurfaceImage currentSurfaceImage =
  m_ParentWorldSurfaceRenderer.SurfaceImages[i] as SurfaceImage;

  if(currentSurfaceImage.LastUpdate > m_LastUpdate ||
     currentSurfaceImage.Opacity !=
    if(currentSurfaceImage == null               || // <=
       currentSurfaceImage.ImageTexture == null  ||
       currentSurfaceImage.ImageTexture.Disposed ||
      !currentSurfaceImage.Enabled || ....)
         return true;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true: iWildIndex==-1. GPSTrackerPlugin.APRS.cs 87
  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true: iWildIndex==-1. GPSTrackerPlugin.NMEA.cs 169
  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false: newvalue == null. SchemaTypes.cs 860


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false: connId < 0. UnityEngine.Networking ConnectionArray.cs 59

public NetworkConnection Get(int connId)
  if (connId < 0)
    return m_LocalConnections[Mathf.Abs(connId) - 1];

  if (connId < 0 || connId > m_Connections.Count) // <=
    return null;

  return m_Connections[connId];

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true: currentTest != null. UnityTestTools TestRunner.cs 237
  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false: connId < 0. UnityEngine.Networking ConnectionArray.cs 86
  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true: m_IsServer. UnityEngine.Networking NetworkIdentity.cs 53


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: button.Enabled. GitUI FormStash.cs 301

private void toolStripButton(...)
  var button = (ToolStripButton)sender;
  if (!button.Enabled)
    StashMessage.ReadOnly = true;
  else if (button.Enabled && button.Checked) // <=
    StashMessage.ReadOnly = false;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false if it is evaluated: string.IsNullOrEmpty(_mergetool). GitUI FormResolveConflicts.cs 482

Unity C# reference source code

V3063 CWE-571 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: pageSize <= 1000. UNETInterface.cs 584

public override bool IsValid()
  return base.IsValid()
    && (pageSize >= 1 || pageSize <= 1000)
    && totalFilters <= 10;


V3063 [CWE-571] A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: string.IsNullOrEmpty(inferredIndexName). AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2.PCL ContextInternal.cs 802

private static string GetQueryIndexName(....)
  string inferredIndexName = null;
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(specifiedIndexName) &&
      indexNames.Count == 1)
    inferredIndexName = indexNames[0];
  else if (indexNames.Contains(specifiedIndexName,
    inferredIndexName = specifiedIndexName;
  else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(inferredIndexName) &&  // <=
           indexNames.Count > 0)
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Local Secondary Index range
      key conditions are used but no index could be inferred from
      model. Specified index name = " + specifiedIndexName);

.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)

V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: _rangelist.Count > 0. RegexCharClass.cs 523

public void AddRange(char first, char last)
  _rangelist.Add(new SingleRange(first, last)); // <=
  if (....
      && _rangelist.Count > 0  // <=
      && ....)


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false if it is evaluated: data == null. Mat.cs 3539

private void CheckArgumentsForConvert(....)
  if (data == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));

  MatType t = Type();
  if (data == null || (data.Length * dataDimension)      // <=
      (data.Length * dataDimension) % t.Channels != 0)


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: m_Serial <= 0x7FFFFFFF. Serial.cs 83

public bool IsItem
    return ( m_Serial >= 0x40000000 && m_Serial <= 0x7FFFFFFF );


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: Attributes != null. LicenseStatus.cs(28) Raven.Server

public LicenseType Type
    if (ErrorMessage != null)
      return LicenseType.Invalid;

    if (Attributes == null)
      return LicenseType.None;

    if (Attributes != null &&                             // <=
        Attributes.TryGetValue("type", out object type) &&
        type is int
      var typeAsInt = (int)type;
      if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(LicenseType), typeAsInt))
        return (LicenseType)typeAsInt;

    return LicenseType.Community;


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: isMethod. QueryParser.cs(1797) Raven.Server

private bool Operator(OperatorField fieldOption, out QueryExpression op)
  switch (match)
    case "(":
      var isMethod = Method(field, out var method); // <=
      op = method;

      if (
        isMethod &&
        Operator(OperatorField.Optional, out var methodOperator)

      return isMethod;

private bool Method(FieldExpression field, out MethodExpression op)
  var args = ReadMethodArguments();

  op = new MethodExpression(field.FieldValue, args);
  return true;


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false if it is evaluated: m_curEdgeBlock != null. DotNetHeapDumpGraphReader.cs(803) Raven.Debug

private Address GetNextEdge()
  if (m_curEdgeBlock == null || m_curEdgeBlock.Count <= m_curEdgeIdx)
    m_curEdgeBlock = null;
    if (m_edgeBlocks.Count == 0)
      throw new ApplicationException(
        "Error not enough edge data.  Giving up on heap dump."

    var nextEdgeBlock = m_edgeBlocks.Dequeue();
    if (
      m_curEdgeBlock != null &&                       // <=
      nextEdgeBlock.Index != m_curEdgeBlock.Index + 1
      throw new ApplicationException(
        "Error expected Node Index " + (m_curEdgeBlock.Index + 1) +
        " Got " + nextEdgeBlock.Index + " Giving up on heap dump."

    m_curEdgeBlock = nextEdgeBlock;
    m_curEdgeIdx = 0;
  return m_curEdgeBlock.Values(m_curEdgeIdx++).Target;


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: cancelButton != null. ConfirmationDialogs.cs 78

public static void ButtonPrompt(....)
  var cancelButton = prompt.GetOrNull<ButtonWidget>(

  if (onCancel != null && cancelButton != null)
    cancelButton.Visible = true;
    cancelButton.Bounds.Y += headerHeight;
    cancelButton.OnClick = () =>
      if (onCancel != null)

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cancelText) && cancelButton != null)
      cancelButton.GetText = () => cancelText;


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: terrainGeometryTrait != null. MapEditorLogic.cs 35

public class MapEditorLogic : ChromeLogic
  public MapEditorLogic(....)
    var editorViewport = widget

    var gridButton = widget.GetOrNull<ButtonWidget>("GRID_BUTTON");
    var terrainGeometryTrait = world.WorldActor

    if (gridButton != null && terrainGeometryTrait != null) // <=

    var copypasteButton = widget.GetOrNull<ButtonWidget>("COPYPASTE_BUTTON");
    if (copypasteButton != null)

    var copyFilterDropdown = widget.Get<DropDownButtonWidget>(....);
    copyFilterDropdown.OnMouseDown = _ =>

    var coordinateLabel = widget.GetOrNull<LabelWidget>("COORDINATE_LABEL");
    if (coordinateLabel != null)


public sealed class Actor : ....
  public T Trait<T>()
    return World.TraitDict.Get<T>(this);

class TraitDictionary
  public T Get<T>(Actor actor)
    return InnerGet<T>().Get(actor); // InnerGet<T> returns TraitContainer<T>

class TraitContainer<T> : ITraitContainer
  public T Get(Actor actor)
    var result = GetOrDefault(actor);
    if (result == null)
      throw new InvalidOperationException(....);
    return result;


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: targetType != null. EFCore InternalEntityTypeBuilder.cs 3370

public virtual InternalEntityTypeBuilder? GetTargetEntityTypeBuilder(....)
  var memberType = navigation.MemberInfo?.GetMemberType();

  if (memberType != null)
    targetType = memberType.TryGetSequenceType() ?? memberType;

    if (   targetType != null                                           // <=
        && targetEntityType.Name == Metadata.Model
      targetEntityType = new TypeIdentity(targetType, Metadata.Model);


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: value >= 0. NumberFormatter.cs 96

public static string FormatUint(uint value)
    if (value <= MaxDecimal && value >= 0)
        return value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "u";

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false if it is evaluated: flush. TextureManager.cs 942
  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false if it is evaluated: backendDisconnected. SoundIoHardwareDeviceDriver.cs 68
  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: info != null. SynchronizationManager.cs 132


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: num <= long.MaxValue % 16. Conversions.cs 994

internal static NumberInfo IsNumber(....)
  int num = AlphaNumericToDigit(c);

  // unexpected character:
  if (num <= 15)
    if (l == -1)
      if (   longValue < long.MaxValue / 16
          || (   longValue == long.MaxValue / 16
              && num <= long.MaxValue % 16))         // <=


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: field.Field.CreateFormat != null. BasicSqlBuilder.cs 1255

protected virtual void BuildCreateTableStatement(....)
  if (field.Field.CreateFormat != null)
    if (field.Field.CreateFormat != null && field.Identity.Length == 0)


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false if it is evaluated: globalSettings.SelfHosted. PremiumRequestModel.cs 23

public bool Validate(GlobalSettings globalSettings)
  if(!(License == null && !globalSettings.SelfHosted) ||
     (License != null && globalSettings.SelfHosted))          // <=
    return false;
  return globalSettings.SelfHosted || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Country);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false if it is evaluated: License != null. PremiumRequestModel.cs 23


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false if it is evaluated: sponsorship.SponsorshipLapsedDate.HasValue. OrganizationSponsorshipService.cs 308

internal async Task DoRemoveSponsorshipAsync(
  Organization sponsoredOrganization,
  OrganizationSponsorship sponsorship = null)
  sponsorship.SponsoredOrganizationId = null;
  sponsorship.FriendlyName = null;
  sponsorship.OfferedToEmail = null;
  sponsorship.PlanSponsorshipType = null;
  sponsorship.TimesRenewedWithoutValidation = 0;
  sponsorship.SponsorshipLapsedDate = null;               // <=

  if (sponsorship.CloudSponsor || sponsorship.SponsorshipLapsedDate.HasValue)
    await _organizationSponsorshipRepository.DeleteAsync(sponsorship);
    await _organizationSponsorshipRepository.UpsertAsync(sponsorship);

Entity Framework Core

V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: !string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseModel.DatabaseName). RelationalScaffoldingModelFactory.cs 169

protected virtual ModelBuilder VisitDatabaseModel(....)
  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseModel.DatabaseName)) // <=
        && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseModel.DatabaseName) // <=
      ? _candidateNamingService.GenerateCandidateIdentifier(....)
      : databaseModel.DatabaseName

Entity Framework Core

V3063 A part of conditional expression is always true if it is evaluated: TryGetPartitionKeyProperty(entityType, out var partitionKeyProperty). CosmosQueryableMethodTranslatingExpressionVisitor.cs 105

public override Expression Visit(Expression expression)
  if (   TryGetPartitionKeyProperty(entityType,
                                    out var partitionKeyProperty)
      && entityTypePrimaryKeyProperties.SequenceEqual(queryProperties)
      && (partitionKeyProperty == null || ....)
      && ....)
    var propertyParameterList = queryProperties.Zip(....);

    var readItemExpression = new ReadItemExpression(entityType,

    return ....;

static bool TryGetPartitionKeyProperty(IEntityType entityType,
                                       out IProperty partitionKeyProperty)
  var partitionKeyPropertyName = entityType.GetPartitionKeyPropertyName();
  if (partitionKeyPropertyName is null)
    partitionKeyProperty = null;
    return true;

  partitionKeyProperty = entityType.FindProperty(partitionKeyPropertyName);
  return true;


V3063 A part of conditional expression is always false if it is evaluated: indexx == -1. ChunkViewModel.cs 4201

private void AddCurrent(worldNodeData current)
  if (Parent?.Data is DataBuffer db && db.Buffer.Data is IRedType irt)
    if (irt is IRedArray ira && ira.InnerType.IsAssignableTo(current.GetType()))
      var indexx = Parent.GetIndexOf(this) + 1;
      if (indexx == -1 || indexx > ira.Count)      // <=
        indexx = ira.Count;
      ira.Insert(indexx, current);

public int GetIndexOf(ChunkViewModel child)
  if (child.NodeIdxInParent > -1)
    return child.NodeIdxInParent;

  for (var i = 0; i < Properties.Count; i++)
    if (ReferenceEquals(Properties[i], child))
      child.NodeIdxInParent = i;
      return i;
  return -1;