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Examples of errors detected by the V304…

Examples of errors detected by the V3041 diagnostic

V3041. The expression was implicitly cast from integer type to real type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part.

Sony ATF

V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'float' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. Atf.Gui.OpenGL.vs2010 ArcBallCameraController.cs 216

private Vec3F ProjectToArcball(Point point)
  float x = (float)point.X / (m_width / 2);   // <=

  float y = (float)point.Y / (m_height / 2);  // <=

  x = x - 1;
  y = 1 - y;
  if (x < -1)
    x = -1;
  else if (x > 1)
    x = 1;
  if (y < -1)
    y = -1;
  else if (y > 1)
    y = 1;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'float' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. Atf.Gui.OpenGL.vs2010 ArcBallCameraController.cs 217


V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. SiliconStudio.TextureConverter AtlasTexLibrary.cs 422

private void QuickSort(List<TexImage> list, int left, int right)
  int i = left;
  int j = right;
  double pivotValue = ((left + right) / 2);
  int x = list[(int)pivotValue].DataSize;


V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. Accord.Audio Tools.cs 158

public static double GetSpectralResolution(int samplingRate,
                                           int samples)
  return samplingRate / samples;


V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. Accord.Math Tools.cs 137

public static int GreatestCommonDivisor(int a, int b)
  int x = a - b * (int)Math.Floor((double)(a / b));
  while (x != 0)
    a = b;
    b = x;
    x = a - b * (int)Math.Floor((double)(a / b));
  return b;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. Accord.Math Tools.cs 142


V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'long' type to 'float' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. CommunicationsUtilities.cs 615

private static long s_lastLoggedTicks = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
internal static void Trace(....)
  long now = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

  float millisecondsSinceLastLog =
    (float)((now - s_lastLoggedTicks)/10000L);


V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. LDA Utilities.cs 74

public static void CreateTrueThetaAndPhi(....)
  double expectedRepeatOfTopicInDoc = averageDocLength / numUniqueTopicsPerDoc;
  int cnt = Poisson.Sample(expectedRepeatOfTopicInDoc);


V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. Runtime ProductExp.cs 137

public static NonconjugateGaussian BAverageLogarithm(....)
  double v_opt = 2 / 3 * (Math.Log(mx * mz / Ex2 / 2) - m);
  if (v_opt != v)


V3041 [CWE-682] The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'float' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. ImageHelpers.cs 1119

public static void Pixelate(Bitmap bmp, int pixelSize)
  float r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0;
  float weightedCount = 0;

  for (int y2 = y; y2 < yLimit; y2++)
    for (int x2 = x; x2 < xLimit; x2++)
      ColorBgra color = unsafeBitmap.GetPixel(x2, y2);

      float pixelWeight = color.Alpha / 255; // <=

      r += color.Red * pixelWeight;
      g += color.Green * pixelWeight;
      b += color.Blue * pixelWeight;
      a += color.Alpha * pixelWeight;

      weightedCount += pixelWeight;
  ColorBgra averageColor = new ColorBgra((byte)(b / weightedCount),
    (byte)(g / weightedCount), (byte)(r / weightedCount),
    (byte)(a / pixelCount));


V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. LiveTvManager.cs 1085

private async Task RefreshChannelsInternal(....)
  double progressPerService = _services.Length == 0
                ? 0
                : 1 / _services.Length;


V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. StormsEye.cs 87

public static void Gain( Mobile from, Skill skill )
  if ( from.Player &&
     ( skills.Total / skills.Cap ) >= Utility.RandomDouble())


V3041 The expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;. MonoGame.Framework.DesktopGL(netstandard2.0) VorbisFloor.cs 113

class Floor0 : VorbisFloor
  int _rate;
  int[] SynthesizeBarkCurve(int n)
    var scale = _bark_map_size / toBARK(_rate / 2);

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