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Webinar: C++ semantics - 06.11

Examples of errors detected by the V301…

Examples of errors detected by the V3013 diagnostic

V3013. It is odd that the body of 'Foo_1' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Foo_2' function.

Flax Engine

V3013 It is odd that the body of 'Show' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Hide' function (70, line 78). WindowRootControl.cs 70, 78

partial class Window
  public void Show()
  public void Hide()
public class ContextMenuBase : ContainerControl
  private Window _window;
  public void Show()                      // <=

  public void Hide()                      // <=

  public void Minimize()

IronPython and IronRuby

V3013 It is odd that the body of 'IsPositiveOne' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'IsNegativeOne' function (351, line 355). BigDecimal.cs 351

public static bool IsPositiveOne(BigDecimal x) {
  return IsOne(x) && IsPositive(x);

public static bool IsNegativeOne(BigDecimal x) {
  return IsOne(x) && IsPositive(x);

.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn")

V3013 It is odd that the body of 'Whitespace' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'ElasticWhitespace' function (118, line 129). SyntaxFactory.cs 118

public static SyntaxTrivia Whitespace(string text)
  return Syntax.InternalSyntax.SyntaxFactory.Whitespace(
           text, elastic: false);

public static SyntaxTrivia ElasticWhitespace(string text)
  return Syntax.InternalSyntax.SyntaxFactory.Whitespace(
           text, elastic: false);

Samples by the Infragistics Company

V3013 It is odd that the body of 'StartCurrent' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'StopCurrent' function (503, line 507). DataViewModel.cs 503

public void StartCurrent()

public void StopCurrent()


V3013 It is odd that the body of 'SuspendMdiClientLayout' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'PerformMdiClientLayout' function (377, line 389). DockPanel.MdiClientController.cs 377

private void SuspendMdiClientLayout()
  if (GetMdiClientController().MdiClient != null)
    GetMdiClientController().MdiClient.PerformLayout(); // <=

private void PerformMdiClientLayout()
  if (GetMdiClientController().MdiClient != null)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3013 It is odd that the body of 'State11' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'State15' function (532, line 589). Lexer.cs 532

Telerik UI for UWP

V3013 It is odd that the body of 'OnMinValuePropertyChanged' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'OnMaxValuePropertyChanged' function. RadGauge.cs 446

private static void OnMinValuePropertyChanged(DependencyObject sender,
  double newVal = (double)args.NewValue;

  RadGauge gauge = sender as RadGauge;
  if (gauge.panel != null)

  if (AutomationPeer.ListenerExists(AutomationEvents.PropertyChanged))
    var peer = FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(gauge)
                                              as RadGaugeAutomationPeer;
    if (peer != null)

private static void OnMaxValuePropertyChanged(DependencyObject sender,
  double newVal = (double)args.NewValue;

  RadGauge gauge = sender as RadGauge;
  if (gauge.panel != null)

  if (AutomationPeer.ListenerExists(AutomationEvents.PropertyChanged))
    var peer = FrameworkElementAutomationPeer.FromElement(gauge)
                                              as RadGaugeAutomationPeer;
    if (peer != null)


V3013 It is odd that the body of 'Read' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Write' function (407, line 415). BaseSqliteRepository.cs 407

public static IDisposable Read(this ReaderWriterLockSlim obj)
  return new WriteLockToken(obj);
public static IDisposable Write(this ReaderWriterLockSlim obj)
  return new WriteLockToken(obj);
private sealed class WriteLockToken : IDisposable
  private ReaderWriterLockSlim _sync;
  public WriteLockToken(ReaderWriterLockSlim sync)
    _sync = sync;
  public void Dispose()
    if (_sync != null)
      _sync = null;


V3013 It is odd that the body of 'PrintLeft' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'PrintRight' function (10, line 18). PackedTemplateParameter.cs 10

public override void PrintLeft(TextWriter writer)
    foreach (BaseNode node in Nodes)

public override void PrintRight(TextWriter writer)
    foreach (BaseNode node in Nodes)


V3013 It is odd that the body of 'addGlob' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'addPattern' function (506, line 515). ZipArchive.cs 506

public bool addGlob(....)
  return false;

public bool addPattern(....)
  return false;


V3013 It is odd that the body of 'IsSetServerSideEncryptionMethod' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'IsSetServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod' function. GetObjectMetadataResponse.cs 311

// Check to see if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod property is set
internal bool IsSetServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod()
  return this.serverSideEncryptionCustomerMethod != null;

// Check to see if ServerSideEncryptionCustomerMethod property is set
internal bool IsSetServerSideEncryptionMethod()
  return this.serverSideEncryptionCustomerMethod != null;    // <=