Examples of errors detected by the V1002 diagnostic
V1002. Class that contains pointers, constructor and destructor is copied by the automatically generated operator= or copy constructor.
V1002 The 'XMLProcessorSelection' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated operator=. processor_selection.cc 25
XMLProcessorSelection processors;
ProcessorSelection::operator= (ProcessorSelection const & other)
if (this != &other) {
processors = other.processors; // <=
return *this;
class XMLProcessorSelection {
XMLProcessorSelection() : node (0) {}
~XMLProcessorSelection() { if (node) { delete node; } }
void set (XMLNode* n) {
if (node) {
delete node;
node = n;
void add (XMLNode* newchild) {
if (!node) {
node = new XMLNode ("add");
node->add_child_nocopy (*newchild);
void clear () {
if (node) {
delete node;
node = 0;
bool empty () const { return node == 0 || ....empty(); }
const XMLNode& get_node() const { return *node; }
XMLNode* node; // <=
Instead of assignment, set() or add() functions had to be used.
V1002 The 'TTimerGuard' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated copy constructor. schemaless_chunk_reader.cpp:731
template <class TTimer>
class TTimerGuard
explicit TTimerGuard(TTimer* timer)
TTimer* const Timer_;
The 'TTimerGuard' class template is a RAII wrapper over 'TTimer' and has a trivial copy constructor generated by the compiler. Wrappers of this kind are usually made to disallow copy semantics but allow move semantics.
Dagor Engine
V1002 Instantiation of Vector < MountVromfsRec, MemPtrAllocator, bool, uint32_t >: The 'MountVromfsRec' class, containing pointers, constructor and destructor, is copied by the automatically generated copy constructor. DagorEngine/prog/1stPartyLibs/dag/dag_vector.h 567
void DoInsertValues(const_iterator position,
size_type n,
const value_type& value) {
const value_type temp = value;
template <typename T, ....>
class Vector
typedef T value_type;
struct MountVromfsRec
VirtualRomFsPack *vd;
SimpleString fn;
SimpleString mountPath;
MountVromfsRec() : vd(NULL) {}
close_vromfs_pack(vd, inimem);
vd = NULL;
static Tab<MountVromfsRec> mnt_vromfs(inimem);
template <typename T>
using Tab = dag::Vector<T, dag::MemPtrAllocator, false, uint32_t>;