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Settings: Common Analyzer Settings
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Settings: Common Analyzer Settings

20 Fév 2018

The tab of the analyzer's general settings displays the settings which do not depend on the particular analysis unit being used.

Check For New Versions

The analyzer can automatically check for updates on pvs-studio.com site. It uses our update module.

If the CheckForNewVersions option is set to True, a special text file is downloaded from pvs-studio.com site when you launch code checking (the commands Check Current File, Check Current Project, Check Solution in PVS-Studio menu). This file contains the number of the latest PVS-Studio version available on the site. If the version on the site is newer than the version installed on the user computer, the user will be asked for a permission to update the program. If the user agrees, a special separate application PVS-Studio-Updater will be launched that will automatically download and install the new PVS-Studio distribution kit. If the option CheckForNewVersions is set to False, it will not check for the updates.

Thread Count

Analysis of files is performed faster on multi-core computers. Thus, on a 4-core computer the analyzer can use all the four cores for its operation. But, if for some reason, you need to limit the number of cores being used, you can do this by selecting the required number. The number of processor cores will be used as a default value.

Setting the value of 'ThreadCount' option to more than '16' (or more than a number of processor cores, if processor possesses more than 16 cores) is available only under the PVS-Studio Enterprise license. You can request the trial Enterprise license here.

When running analysis on a single system, we do not advise setting the value of this option greater, than the number of processor cores available. Setting the value larger than the number of cores could degrade the overall analyzer performance. If you wish to run more analysis tasks concurrently, you can use a distributed build system, for example, Incredibuild. More detailed description of this mode of using PVS-Studio is described in the relevant section of documentation.

Remove Intermediate Files

The analyzer creates a lot of temporary command files for its operation to launch the analysis unit itself, to perform preprocessing and to manage the whole process of analysis. Such files are created for each project file being analyzed. Usually they are not of interest for a user and are removed after the analysis process. But in some cases it can be useful to look through these files. So you can indicate to the analyzer not to remove them. In this case you can launch the analyzer outside the IDE from the command line.

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