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21 Jul 2022
PVS-Studio vs Hacker: who's a better reviewer?
Andrey Karpov
Sometimes we publish articles about "a static analyzer that surpassed a C++ developer". And we carry on the tradition, but today we replace "developer" with...
20 Jul 2022
CWE Top 25 2022. Review of changes
Mikhail Gelvikh
The CWE Top 25 list reflects the most serious software security weaknesses. I invite you to read the updated top list to become aware of the changes happened over the past...
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19 Jul 2022
How warnings simplify your code
Andrey Karpov
When an analyzer or compiler issues a warning, sometimes it's hard to identify whether it's a false positive or a real error. Analyzers/compilers can be technically right, but the code also...
18 Jul 2022
Relocation: QMake -> CMake
On our way there, we'll walk along the Cross Compilers Street, sit in the Build System Square, and have a drink at the Dependency Management Bar. We'll also visit those who use Qt in embedded...
15 Jul 2022
Any bugs in your IDE? Checking AvalonStudio with PVS-Studio
Artem Rovenskii
Developers around the world use their favorite IDEs every day to create software. Today we are checking one of them and looking at the most interesting errors...
Intermodular analysis of C and C++ projects in detail. Part 2
Oleg Lisiy
In part 1 we discussed the basics of C and C++ projects compiling. We also talked over linking and optimizations. In part 2 we are going to delve deeper into intermodular analysis and discuss...
11 Jul 2022
Static code analyzer vs developers. Here we go again.
Alexey Sarkisov
In mid-May this year we released an updated version of our quiz for C++ developers. It's been 2 months already — keep on reading to learn more about the...
Intermodular analysis of C and C++ projects in detail. Part 1
Oleg Lisiy
Starting from PVS-Studio 7.14, the C and C++ analyzer has been supporting intermodular analysis. In this two-part article, we'll describe how similar mechanisms are arranged in compilers and...
06 Jul 2022
PVS-Studio to help with schoolwork-like tasks in C and C++
Andrey Karpov
Today I'll talk some more about questions posted on Stack Overflow — in particular, about another discussion started by someone learning the C++ language. I'd like to note that, if you are...
04 Jul 2022
Checking Orleans with the PVS-Studio analyzer
Nikita Panevin
Orleans is a cross-platform framework for creating scalable cloud applications. This software is developed by Microsoft, and PVS-Studio often checks its projects. Let's see how many suspicious...
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