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Settings: Specific Analyzer Settings

Settings: Specific Analyzer Settings

The "Specific Analyzer Settings" tab contains additional advanced settings.

Analysis Timeout

This setting allows you to set the time limit, by reaching which the analysis of individual files will be aborted with V006. File cannot be processed. Analysis aborted by timeout error, or to completely disable analysis termination by timeout. We strongly advise you to consult the description of the error cited above before modifying this setting. The timeout is often caused by the shortage of RAM. In such a case it is reasonable not to increase the time but to decrease the number of parallel threads being utilized. This can lead to a substantial increase in performance in case the processor possesses numerous cores but RAM capacity is insufficient.

Incremental Analysis Timeout

This setting allows setting a time limit, after which the incremental analysis files will be aborted. All the warnings, detected at the moment of the analysis stoppage, will be output in the PVS-Studio window. Additionally, there will be issued a warning that the analyzer didn't have time to process all the modified files and the information about the total and analyzed number of files.

This option is relevant only for working in Visual Studio IDE.

Disable Incremental PCH Tracking

This setting disables incremental analysis of C and C++ source files affected by changes to the precompiled header files and their includes. Changing this setting will be helpful in situations when these files are modified frequently and incremental analysis takes too much time.

Changes made to this setting inside Visual Studio IDE take effect the next time the project or solution is opened. If the analysis is performed via PVS-Studio_Cmd console utility, the analyzer will use the new value immediately.

No Noise

When working on a large code base, the analyzer inevitably generates a large number of warning messages. Besides, it is often impossible to fix all the warnings straight out. Therefore, to concentrate on fixing the most important warnings first, the analysis can be made less "noisy" by using this option. It allows completely disabling the generation of Low Certainty (level 3) warnings. After restarting the analysis, the messages from this level will disappear from the analyzer's output.

When circumstances will allow it, and all of the more important messages are fixed, the 'No Noise' mode can be switched off – all of the messages that disappeared before will be available again.

Intermodular Analysis Cpp

Enabling this setting allows the analyzer to consider information not only from the analyzed file, but also from files that relate to the analyzed file. This allows for deeper and more qualitative analysis. However, it takes extra time to collect the necessary information, which will affect the time you analyze your project.

This mode is relevant to C and C++ projects. C# projects provide cross-modular analysis by default.

This setting was removed in PVS-Studio 7.26. Please use analysis startup menu to choose desired analysis mode.

Perform Custom Build Step

Setting this option to 'true' enables the execution of actions specified in the 'Custom Build Step' section of Visual Studio project file (vcproj/vcxproj). It should be noted that the analyzer requires a fully-compilable code for its correct operation. So, if, for example, the 'Custom Build Section' contains actions used to auto-generate some header files, these actions should be executed (by enabling this setting) before starting the project's analysis. However, in case this step performs some actions concerning the linking process, for instance, then such actions will be irrelevant to code analysis. The 'Custom Build Step' actions are specified at the level of the project and will be executed by PVS-Studio during initial scanning of the project file tree. If this setting is enabled and its execution results in a non-zero exit code, the analysis of the corresponding project file will not be started.

Perform TFVC Checkout

Enabling of this option allows to automatically perform a checkout using the Team Foundation Version Control Tool when editing files, containing the suppressed analyzer warnings (.suppress files). Enabling of this option will not affect the work with projects, not managed by the TF versions control system, or not added in the Visual Studio workspace.

Additional information, in case if it is available (including the information about errors), will be shown in the PVS-Studio window.

This option is relevant only when working from the Visual Studio IDE.

Save File After False Alarm Mark

Marking the message as False alarm requires the modification of source code files. By default the analyzer will save each source code file after making every such mark. However, if such frequent savings of files are undesirable (for example if the files are being stored on different machine in LAN), they can be disabled using this setting.

Exercise caution while modifying this setting because the not saving the files after marking them with false alarms can lead to a loss of work in case of IDE being closed.

Display False Alarms

Allows enabling the display of messages marked as 'False Alarms' in the PVS-Studio output window. This option will take effect immediately, without the need to re-run the analysis. When this option is set to 'true', an 'FA' indicator containing the number of false alarms on the output window panel will become visible.

Enable False Alarms With Hash

This setting enables appending additional hash code to the False Alarm mark. The hash code is calculated based on the line of code contents. If the code line changes, warnings issued for this line will no longer be considered as False Alarms under the same hash.

Disable Synchronization Of Suppress Files

This setting disables automatic synchronization of suppress files between projects within the same solution.

By default, the synchronization of suppress files is enabled. If the source code file is used in several projects and warnings from that file are added to the suppress file of at least one project, these warnings will automatically be added to the suppress files of the analyzed projects when analyzing other projects.

Integrated Help Language

The setting allows you to select a language to be used for integrated help on the diagnostic messages (a click to the message error code in PVS-Studio output window) and online documentation (the PVS-Studio -> Help -> Open PVS-Studio Documentation (html, online) menu command), which are also available at our site.

This setting will not change the language of IDE plug-in's interface and messages produced by the analyzer.

Use Offline Help

The setting allows you to use an offline help on the diagnostic messages (a click to the message error code in PVS-Studio output window).

Show Best Warnings Button

This option manages the display of the 'Best' button in the PVS-Studio interface. By default, the option is enabled. You can find the 'Best' button in the window with the analyzer warnings. Click the button to view 10 most interesting warnings of the analyzer. To hide this button, set this parameter as 'False'.

Show Tray Icon

This setting allows you to control the notifications of PVS-Studio analyzer operations. In case PVS-Studio output window contains error messages after performing the analysis (the messages potentially can be concealed by various filters as false alarms, by the names of files being verified and so on; such messages will not be present in PVS-Studio window), the analyzer will inform you about their presence with popup message in the Windows notification area (System tray). Single mouse click on this message or PVS-Studio tray icon will open the output window containing the messages which were found by the analyzer.

Incremental Results Display Depth

This setting defines the mode of message display level in PVS-Studio Output window for the results of incremental analysis. Setting the display level depth here (correspondingly, Level 1 only; Levels 1 and 2; Levels 1, 2 and 3) will enable automatic activation of these display levels on each incremental analysis procedure. The "Preserve_Current_Levels" on the other hand will preserve the existing display setting.

This setting could be handful for periodic combined use of incremental and regular analysis modes, as the accidental disabling of, for example, level 1 diagnostics during the review of a large analysis log will also result in the concealment of portion of incremental analysis log afterwards. As the incremental analysis operates in the background, such situation could potentially lead to the loss of positives on existing issues within the project source code.

Trace Mode

The setting allows you to select the tracing mode (logging of a program's execution path) for PVS-Studio IDE extension packages (the plug-ins for Visual Studio IDEs). There are several verbosity levels of the tracing (The Verbose mode is the most detailed one). When tracing is enabled PVS-Studio will automatically create a log file with the 'log' extension which will be located in the AppData\PVS-Studio directory (for example c:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\PVS-Studio\PVSTrace2168_000.log). Similarly, each of the running IDE processes will use a separate file to store its' logging results.

Automatic Settings Import

This option allows you to enable the automatic import of settings (xml files) from %AppData%\PVS-Studio\SettingsImports\' directory. The settings will be imported on each update from stored settings, i.e. when Visual Studio or PVS-Studio command line is started, when the settings are rest, etc. When importing settings, flag-style options (true\false) and all options containing a single value (a string, for example), will be overwritten by the settings from SettingsImports. The options containing several valued (for example, the excluded directories), will be merged.

If the SettingsImports folder contains several xml files, these files will be applied to the current settings in a sequential manner, according to their names.

Use Solution Folder As Initial

By default PVS-Studio offers saving report file (.plog) inside the same folder as the current solution file.

Modifying this setting allows you to restore the usual behavior of Windows file dialogs, i.e. the dialog will remember the last folder that was opened in it and will use this folder as initial.

Save Modified Log

This setting specifies whether the 'Save log' confirmation prompt should be displayed before starting the analysis or loading another log file, in case output window already contains new, unsaved or modified analysis results. Setting the option to 'Yes' will enable automatic saving of analysis results to the current log file (after it was selected once in the 'Save File' dialog). Setting the option to 'No' will force IDE plug-in to discard any of the analysis results. The choice of the value 'Ask_Always' (used by default) will display the prompt to save the report each time, allowing the user to make the choice himself.

Source Tree Root

By default, PVS-Studio will produce diagnostic messages containing absolute paths to the files being verified. This setting could be utilized for specifying the 'root' section of the path, which will be replaced by a special marker in case the path to the file within the analyzer's diagnostic message also starts from this 'root'. For example, the absolute path to the C:\Projects\Project1\main.cpp file will be replaced to a relative path |?|Project1\main.cpp, if the 'C:\Projects\' was specified as a 'root'.

When handling PVS-Studio log containing messages with paths in such relative format, IDE plug-in will automatically replace the |?| with this setting's value. Thereby, utilizing this setting allows you to handle PVS-Studio report on any local machine with the access to the verified sources, regardless of the sources' location in the file system structure.

A detailed description of the mode is available here.

Use Solution Dir As Source Tree Root

This setting enables or disables the mode of using the path to the folder, containing the solution file *.sln as a parameter 'SourceTreeRoot'.

Autoload Unreal Engine Log

Enabling this option allows to automatically load analyzer report that was generated as a result of the Unreal Engine project analysis, into the PVS-Studio output window.

This option is relevant only for working in Visual Studio IDE.

Dependency Cache Tracking Mode

Specifies the mode of tracking source files in the dependency cache.

ModifiedFilesOnly - only modifications of source files are tracked in the hash.

ModifiedAndWarningsContainingFiles - additionally tracks files with warnings found in previous analysis runs. The source file remains marked for analysis until it contains analyzer warnings.

Disabled - Disables file tracking and dependency cache updating.