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V128. A variable of the memsize type is…
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V128. A variable of the memsize type is read from a stream. Consider verifying the compatibility of 32 and 64 bit versions of the application in the context of a stored data.

09 Déc 2014

The analyzer has detected a potential error related to data incompatibility between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of an application, when memsize-variables are being written to or read from the stream. The error is this: data written to the binary file in the 32-bit program version will be read incorrectly by the 64-bit one.

For example:

std::vector<int> v;
ofstream os("myproject.dat", ios::binary);
os << v.size();

The 'size()' function returns a value of the size_t type whose size is different in 32-bit and 64-bit applications. Consequently, different numbers of bytes will be written to the file.

There exist many ways to avoid the data incompatibility issue. The simplest and crudest one is to strictly define the size of types being written and read. For example:

std::vector<int> v;
ofstream os("myproject.dat", ios::binary);
os << static_cast<__int64>(v.size());

A strictly defined cast to 64-bit types cannot be called a nice solution, of course. The reason is that this method won't let the program read data written by the old 32-bit program version. On the other hand, if data are defined to be read and written as 32-bit values, we face another problem: the 64-bit program version won't be able to write information about arrays consisting of more than 2^32 items. This may be a disappointing limitation, as 64-bit software is usually created to handle huge data arrays.

A way out can be found through introducing a notion of the version of saved data. For example, 32-bit applications can open files created by the 32-bit version of your program, while 64-bit applications can handle data generated both by the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

One more way to solve the compatibility problem is to store data in the text format or the XML format.

Note that this compatibility issue is irrelevant in many programs. If your application doesn't create projects and other files to be opened on other computers, you may turn off the V128 diagnostic.

You also shouldn't worry if the stream is used to print values on the screen. PVS-Studio tries to detect these situations and avoid generating the message. False positives are, however, still possible. If you get them, use one of the false positive suppression mechanisms described in the documentation.

Additional features

According to users demand, we added a possibility to manually point out functions, which saves or loads data. When somewhere in code a memsize-type is passed to one of these functions, this code considered dangerous.

Addition format is as follows: just above function prototype (or near its realization, or in standard header file) user should add a special comment. Let us start with the usage example:

//+V128, function:write, non_memsize:2
void write(string name, char);
void write(string name, int32);
void write(string name, int64);
  write("zz", array.size()); // warning V128


  • "function" key represents name of the function to be checked by analyzer. This key is necessary – without this key addition, of course, would not work.
  • "class" key – non-necessary key that allows to enter class name to which this function belongs (i.e. class method). Without specifying it analyzer will check any function with given name, with specifying – only ones that belongs to the particular class.
  • "namespace" key – non-necessary key that allows to enter namespace name to which function belongs. Again, without specifying it analyzer will check any function with given name, with specifying – only ones that belongs to the particular namespace. Key will correctly work with the "class" key – analyzer then will check any class method with given name that belongs to particular namespace.
  • "non_memsize" key allows specifying number of argument that should not allow type, which size changes depending on architecture. Number counts from one, not from zero. There is a technical restriction – this number should not exceed 14. There may be multiple "non-memsize" keys if there is a need to check multiple function arguments.

Warning level in case of user functions is always first.

At last, here is full usage example:

// Warns when in method C of class B
// from A namespace memsize-type value
// is put as a second or third argument.

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