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Posts: video

03 Sep 2020
Static Code Analysis Using PVS-Studio // Static Code Analysis For Java, C++, and C# // Thetips4you
Hello Friends, Welcome back to my channel. If you have seen my previous videos we have gone through how to make use of SonarQube for static code analysis and Vulnerability management. In this tutorial, I am going to introduce to you another tool called PVS studio. Lets…
23 Jul 2020
Hypercritical C++ Code Review - Yuri Minaev [ C++ on Sea ]
Yuri Minaev
C++ code is fraught with perils and pitfalls. That's why a thorough and meticulous code review is very important. The purpose of this talk is to (hopefully) improve your ability to take on such a task. We'll take a look at some error patterns easily overlooked. In all …
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20 Jui 2020
Static Analysis in Unreal Engine 4 | UE4 Tutorial
In this UE4 tutorial, we will look over the general process of static analysis of C++ code and then get specific in how this is done using PVS-Studio. We all know that no one writes perfect code. There's always a chance that there will appear bugs, even in big projects…
08 Mai 2020
Static Analysis in C++
In this video, you'll find out more about one of the ways how to improve your C++ code which by applying static analysis tools. Despite the fact that every programmer strives to write flawless code and compute everything on the fly, it's hard even for an experienced pr…
23 Avr 2020
The cpp.chat podcast
Yuri Minaev
A podcast recording from April, 23 2020, organized by cpp.chat. The podcast was dedicated to static code analysis. The discussed topics included: what static analysis is in general and how it compares to dynamic analysis what kind of errors people tend to overlook dea…
22 Oct 2019
PVS-Studio in 2019
George Gribkov
We bring to your attention the presentation of “PVS-Studio in 2019”. The fact is that from time to time our users ask if there is any material that overviews the analyzer's capabilities, describes what it is, and so on. For this reason, we decided to record this presen…
25 Mai 2019
Don’t take on C++ programmers support
Yuri Minaev
Conference: Corehard 2019 It's a kind of humorous talk about the life of a development team which also deals with supporting C and C++ programmers. Actually, working with programmers is a lot of fun, and it is very productive. Not only can they send you a memory dump, …
15 Oct 2018
How to write more reliable code
Egor Bredikhin
Conference: Meeting C++ 2018 The talk refers to issues of writing high quality code in C++. It touches upon various patterns of errors and the ways how to avoid them due to good coding standard, new features in the C++ language, static and dynamic analysis.
19 Avr 2017
Static code analysis with PVS-Studio as an Example
Pavel Kuznetsov
Conference: ClueCon Weekly The video is on static code analysis and static code analyzer tool, which might be interesting for developers. It helps to search for potential flaws in code and finds various errors.
Showing: 41-49 of 49
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