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V6088. Result of this expression will b…

V6088. Result of this expression will be implicitly cast to 'Type'. Check if program logic handles it correctly.

This diagnostic detects ternary operators with implicit cast of numeric types within them. Such casts may break the program's execution logic because of unexpected change of the object's type.

Consider the following example:

public void writeObject(Serializer serializer, Object o)
  else if (o instanceof Integer)
    serializer.writeInt((Integer) o);
  else if (o instanceof Double)
    serializer.writeDouble((Double) o);

public void serialize(Serializer serializer)
  Object data = condition ? 5 : 0.5;           // <=
  writeObject(serializer, data);

In this case, the actual argument of the 'writeObject' method will always be a number of type 'double': 5.0 or 0.5. This will result in executing the wrong branch of the if-else-if construct inside 'writeObject'. Fixing this bug involves replacing the ternary operator with an if-else block:

public void serialize(Serializer serializer)
  if (condition)
    writeObject(serializer, 5);
    writeObject(serializer, 0.5);

  // or

  Object data;
  if (condition)
    data = 5;
    data = 0.5;
  writeObject(serializer, data);

This bug is peculiar in that the interchangeable conditional statement and ternary operator may in reality behave differently.