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V5603. OWASP. The original exception ob…

V5603. OWASP. The original exception object was swallowed. Stack of original exception could be lost.

The analyzer detected that the original object of a caught exception was not used properly when re-throwing from a catch block. This issue makes some errors hard to detect since the stack of the original exception is lost.

Further we will discuss a couple of examples of incorrect code. The first example:

public Asn1Object ToAsn1Object()
    return Foo(_constructed, _tagNumber);
  catch (IOException e)
    throw new ParsingException(e.Message);

In this code, the programmer wanted to transform the caught I/O exception into a new exception of type 'ParsingException'. However, only the message from the first exception is included, so some of the information is lost.

The fixed version of the code:

public Asn1Object ToAsn1Object()
    return Foo(_constructed, _tagNumber);
  catch (IOException e)
    throw new ParsingException(e.Message, e);

In the fixed version, the original exception is re-thrown as an inner one, so all the information about the original error is saved.

Here's the second example:

private int ReadClearText(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
  int pos = offset;
  catch (IOException ioe)
    if (pos == offset) throw ioe;
  return pos - offset;

In this case, the caught I/O exception is thrown again, completely erasing the stack of the original error. To avoid this defect, we just need to re-throw the original exception.

The fixed version of the code:

private int ReadClearText(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
  int pos = offset;
  catch (IOException ioe)
    if (pos == offset) throw;
  return pos - offset;

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