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V559. Suspicious assignment inside the …

V559. Suspicious assignment inside the conditional expression of 'if/while/for' statement.

The analyzer detected an issue that has to do with using the assignment operator '=' in the conditional expression of an 'if' or 'while' statement. Such a construct usually indicates the presence of a mistake. It is very likely that the programmer intended to use the '==' operator instead of '='.

Consider the following example:

const int MAX_X = 100;
int x;
if (x = MAX_X)
{ ... }

There is a typo in this code: the value of the 'x' variable will be modified instead of being compared with the constant MAX_X:

if (x == MAX_X)
{ ... }

Using assignments inside conditions is not always an error, of course. This technique is used by many programmers to make code shorter. However, it is a bad style because it takes a long time to find out if such a construct results from a typo or the programmer's intention to make the code shorter.

Instead of using assignments inside conditional expressions, we recommend implementing them as a separate operation or enclosing them in additional parentheses:

while ((x = Foo()))

Code like this will be interpreted by both the analyzer and most compilers as correct. Besides, it tells other programmers that there is no error here.

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You can look at examples of errors detected by the V559 diagnostic.