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V539. Iterators are passed as arguments…

V539. Iterators are passed as arguments to 'Foo' function. Consider inspecting the expression.

The analyzer detected code handling containers which is likely to have an error. You should examine this code fragment.

Let's study several samples demonstrating cases when this warning is generated:

Sample 1.

void X(std::vector<int> &X, std::vector<int> &Y)
  std::for_each (X.begin(), X.end(), SetValue);
  std::for_each (Y.begin(), X.end(), SetValue);

Two arrays are filled with some values in the function. Due to the misprint, the "std::for_each" function, being called for the second time, receives iterators from different containers, which causes an error during program execution. This is the correct code:

std::for_each (X.begin(), X.end(), SetValue);
std::for_each (Y.begin(), Y.end(), SetValue);

Sample 2.

std::includes(a.begin(), a.end(), a.begin(), a.end());

This code is strange. The programmer most probably intended to process two different chains instead of one. This is the correct code:

std::includes(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());

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You can look at examples of errors detected by the V539 diagnostic.