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V3538. AUTOSAR. The result of an assign…

V3538. AUTOSAR. The result of an assignment expression should not be used.

This diagnostic rule is based on the software development guidelines developed by AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture).

Using the assignment operation in subexpressions introduces an additional side effect making the code less readable and more susceptible to new mistakes.

Besides, following this rule significantly reduces the risk of confusing the operators '=' and '=='.

Example of non-compliant code:

int Inc(int i)
  return i += 1; // <=

void neg(int a, int b)
  int c = a = b; // <=

  Inc(a = 1);    // <=

  if(a = b) {}   // <=

This diagnostic is classified as:

  • AUTOSAR-M6.2.1