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V3205. Unity Engine. Improper creation …

V3205. Unity Engine. Improper creation of 'MonoBehaviour' or 'ScriptableObject' object using the 'new' operator. Use the special object creation method instead.

The analyzer has detected an improper creation of the 'MonoBehaviour' or 'ScriptableObject' class instance using the 'new' operator. Objects created in this way are not linked to the engine, so Unity-specific methods such as 'Update', 'Awake', 'OnEnable', and others are not called.

Take a look at an example below:

class ExampleSO: ScriptableObject
class ExampleComponent: MonoBehaviour
void Awake
  var scriptableObject = new ExampleSO();
  var component = new ExampleComponent();

To avoid potential issues, use one of the following methods instead of the 'new' operator to create instances of the classes:

  • 'GameObject.AddComponent' creates an instance of the 'MonoBehaviour' class;
  • 'ScriptableObject.CreateInstance' creates an instance of the 'ScriptableObject' class.

Here is the fixed code:

class ExampleSO: ScriptableObject
class ExampleComponent: MonoBehaviour
void Awake
  var scriptableObject = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<ExampleSO>();
  var component = this.gameObject.AddComponent<ExampleComponent>();