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V3140. Property accessors use different…

V3140. Property accessors use different backing fields.

Analyzer detected a property that uses different backing fields in its get and set accessors. This can indicate a misprint or a copy-paste error originating from another property.

Let's review an example from a real-life application, where a developer made similar error:

String _heading; String _copyright;

public string Heading
    get { return this._heading; }
    set { this._heading = value; } 

public string Copyright
    get { return this._heading; }
    set { this._copyright = value; }

Here, the get accessor of the 'Copyright' property should return the '_copyright' field. Instead, '_heading' field is returned.

This is how the correct code will look like:

String _heading; String _copyright;

public string Heading
    get { return this._heading; }
    set { this._heading = value; }

public string Copyright
    get { return this._copyright; }
    set { this._copyright = value; }

You can look at examples of errors detected by the V3140 diagnostic.