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V3139. Two or more case-branches perfor…

V3139. Two or more case-branches perform the same actions.

The analyzer has detected a switch statement whose different case labels contain the same code. This is often a sign of redundant code, which could be improved by merging the labels. However, identical code fragments may also result from copy-paste programming, in which case they are genuine errors.

The following example illustrates the redundant code scenario:

switch (switcher) 
  case 0: Console.Write("0"); return;
  case 1: Console.Write("0"); return;
  default: Console.Write("default"); return;

Indeed, different values of 'switcher' may require performing the same actions, so the code can be rewritten in a more concise form:

switch (switcher) 
  case 0:
  case 1: Console.Write("0"); return;
  default: Console.Write("default"); return;

If you use the case expressions, you won't be able to group such expressions under one condition.

private static void ShowCollectionInformation(object coll, bool cond)
  switch (coll)
    case Array arr:
        Console.WriteLine (arr.ToString());
    case IEnumerable<int> arr:
        Console.WriteLine (arr.ToString());

You can, however, move the code into a separate method, which will make it easier to modify and debug this code in the future.

Now, the following real-life example demonstrates a programming mistake:

switch (status.BuildStatus)
  case IntegrationStatus.Success:
    snapshot.Status = ItemBuildStatus.CompletedSuccess;
  case IntegrationStatus.Exception:
  case IntegrationStatus.Failure:
    snapshot.Status = ItemBuildStatus.CompletedSuccess;

The status assignment is faulty: the 'ItemBuildStatus' enumeration has the element 'CompletedFailed', which was to be assigned in case of failure or exception.

Fixed code:

switch (status.BuildStatus)
  case IntegrationStatus.Success:
    snapshot.Status = ItemBuildStatus.CompletedSuccess;
  case IntegrationStatus.Exception:
  case IntegrationStatus.Failure:
    snapshot.Status = ItemBuildStatus. CompletedFailed;

You can look at examples of errors detected by the V3139 diagnostic.