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V302. Member operator[] of 'foo' class …

V302. Member operator[] of 'foo' class has a 32-bit type argument. Use memsize-type here.

The analyzer detected a potential error of working with classes that contain operator[]. Classes with an overloaded operator[] are usually a kind of an array where the index of the item being called is operator[] argument. If operator[] has a 32-bit type argument it might indicate an error.

Let us consider an example leading to the warning V302:

class MyArray {
  std::vector<float> m_arr;
  float &operator[](int i)  //V302
    return m_arr[i];
} A;
int x = 2000;
int y = 2000;
int z = 2000;
A[x * y * z] = 33;

If the class is designed to work with many arguments, implementing operator[] like this is incorrect because it does not allow addressing the items whose numbers are more than UINT_MAX. To diagnose the error in the example above you should point to the potentially incorrect operator[]. The expression "x * y * z" does not look suspicious because there is no implicit type conversion. When we correct operator[] in the following way:

float &operator[](ptrdiff_t i);

PVS-Studio analyzer warns about a potential error in the line "A[x * y * z] = 33;" and now we can make the code absolutely correct. Here is an example of the corrected code:

class MyArray {
  std::vector<float> m_arr;
  float &operator[](ptrdiff_t i)  //V302
    return m_arr[i];
} A;
ptrdiff_t x = 2000;
ptrdiff_t y = 2000;
ptrdiff_t z = 2000;
A[x * y * z] = 33;

The related diagnostic warnings are V108 and V120.