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V205. Explicit conversion of pointer ty…

V205. Explicit conversion of pointer type to 32-bit integer type.

This warning informs you about an explicit conversion of a pointer type to a 32-bit integer type. We used the V202 diagnostic rule before to diagnose this situation. But explicit conversion of a pointer to the 'int' type is much more dangerous than conversion of 'intptr_t' to 'int'. That is why we created a separate rule to search for explicit type conversions when handling pointers.

Here is a sample of incorrect code.

int n;
float *ptr;
n = (int)ptr;

The 'int' type's size is 4 bytes in a 64-bit program, so it cannot store a pointer whose size is 8 bytes. Type conversion like in the sample above usually signals an error.

What is very unpleasant about such errors is that they can hide for a long time before you reveal them. A program might store pointers in 32-bit variables and work correctly for some time as long as all the objects created in the program are located in low-order addresses of memory.

If you need to store a pointer in an integer variable for some reason, you'd better use memsize-types. For instance: size_t, ptrdiff_t, intptr_t, uintptr_t.

This is the correct code:

intptr_t n;
float *ptr;
n = (intptr_t)ptr;

However, there is a specific case when you may store a pointer in 32-bit types. I am speaking about handles which are used in Windows to work with various system objects. Here are examples of such types: HANDLE, HWND, HMENU, HPALETTE, HBITMAP, etc. Actually these types are pointers. For instance, HANDLE is defined in header files as "typedef void *HANDLE;".

Although handles are 64-bit pointers, only the less significant 32 bits are employed in them for the purpose of better compatibility (for example, to enable 32-bit and 64-bit processes interact with each other). For details, see "Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL): 64-Bit Porting Guide" (USER and GDI handles are sign extended 32b values).

Such pointers can be stored in 32-bit data types (for instance, int, DWORD). To cast such pointers to 32-bit types and vice versa special functions are used:

void            * Handle64ToHandle( const void * POINTER_64 h ) 
void * POINTER_64 HandleToHandle64( const void *h )
long              HandleToLong    ( const void *h )
unsigned long     HandleToUlong   ( const void *h )
void            * IntToPtr        ( const int i )
void            * LongToHandle    ( const long h )
void            * LongToPtr       ( const long l )
void            * Ptr64ToPtr      ( const void * POINTER_64 p )
int               PtrToInt        ( const void *p )
long              PtrToLong       ( const void *p )
void * POINTER_64 PtrToPtr64      ( const void *p )
short             PtrToShort      ( const void *p )
unsigned int      PtrToUint       ( const void *p )
unsigned long     PtrToUlong      ( const void *p )
unsigned short    PtrToUshort     ( const void *p )
void            * UIntToPtr       ( const unsigned int ui )
void            * ULongToPtr      ( const unsigned long ul )

Let's take a look at the following example:

HANDLE h = Get();
UINT uId = (UINT)h;

The analyzer does not generate the message here, though HANDLE is nothing but a pointer. Values of this pointer always fit into 32 bits. Just make sure you take care when working with them in future. Keep in mind that non-valid handles are declared in the following way:


That's why it would be incorrect to write the next line like this:


Since the 'uID' variable is unsigned, the pointer's value will equal 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, not 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

The analyzer will generate the V204 warning for a suspicious check when unsigned turns into a pointer.

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