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V2011. Consider inspecting signed and u…

V2011. Consider inspecting signed and unsigned function arguments. See NN argument of function 'Foo' in derived class and base class.

This diagnostic rule was added at users' request.

The analyzer has detected the following issue: the base class has a virtual function with one of the arguments of the signed type. The derived class contains the same function but with an unsigned argument. Or you may get a reverse situation: the base class contains an unsigned argument while the derived contains a signed one.

This diagnostic rule is used to detect errors when – during a large refactoring – the programmer changes the function type in one of the classes but forgets to change it in the other class.

For example:

struct Q            { virtual int x(unsigned) { return 1; } };
struct W : public Q {         int x(int)      { return 2; } };

The code should actually look like this:

struct Q            { virtual int x(unsigned) { return 1; } };
struct W : public Q {         int x(unsigned) { return 2; } };

If your base class has two 'x' functions with the arguments of the 'int' and "unsigned' types, the analyzer won't generate the V2011 warning.