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Settings: Detectable Errors

Settings: Detectable Errors

This settings page allows you to manage the displaying of various types of PVS-Studio messages in the analysis results list.

All the diagnostic messages output by the analyzer are split into several groups. The display (show/hide) of each message type can be handled individually, while the following actions are available for a whole message group:

  • Disabled – to completely disable an entire message group. Errors from this group will not be displayed in the analysis results list (PVS-Studio output window). Enabling the group again will require to re-run an analysis;
  • Show All – to show all the messages of a group in the analysis results list;
  • Hide All – to hide all the messages of a group in the analysis results list.

It may be sometimes useful to hide errors with certain codes in the list. For instance, if you know for sure that errors with the codes V505 and V506 are irrelevant for your project, you can hide them in the list by unticking the corresponding checkboxes.

Please mind that you don't need to relaunch the analysis when using the options "Show All" and "Hide All"! The analyzer always generates all the message types found in the project, while whether they should be shown or hidden in the list is defined by the settings on this page. When enabling/disabling error displaying, they will be shown/hidden in the analysis results list right away, without you having to re-analyze the whole project.

Complete disabling of message groups can be used to enhance the analyzer's performance and get the analysis reports (plog-files) of smaller sizes.