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PVS-Studio 3.43 New Version Released

Andrey Karpov
Articles: 680

PVS-Studio 3.43 New Version Released

We have released PVS-Studio 3.43 version. This version makes developers' lives much easier, because we have enhanced both the mechanism of functioning as well as its user's features.

We have not only added two new error diagnostic rules, but also made the procedure of program installation and removal easier: the latter is carried out much faster after the recurrent installation "over the program again". The analyzer can now also better find errors using the command operator[], and in case several errors in one line are present, it shows them all in a much more comprehensive way, without the necessity of their consecutive correction in order to view each next one, as it used to be before option ShowAllErrorsInString appeared. The full list of all the innovations implemented in version 3.43 is given below:

  • Option ShowAllErrorsInString removed (now it always has the value true).
  • New rule V120: Member operator[] of object 'foo' declared with 32-bit type argument, but called with memsize type argument.
  • New rule V302: Member operator[] of 'foo' class has a 32-bit type argument. Use memsize-type here.
  • Operator[] analysis enhanced.
  • Error of long removal of the program in case of recurrent installation "over the program again" corrected.
  • Fixed problem related to analysis files with "^" character in filename.