V3187. Parts of an SQL query are not de…

V3187. Parts of an SQL query are not delimited by any separators or whitespaces. Executing this query may lead to an error.

The analyzer has detected that a space or some other separator character between words may be missing in a SQL query. This typo could have been caused by concatenation, interpolation, or a call to the 'String.Format' method to get a SQL query string.


public Customer GetCustomerData(ulong id)
  string query = "SELECT c.Email, c.Phone, " +
                 "c.firstName, c.lastName FROM customers c" + // <=
                 $"WHERE customers.id = {id}";

  var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(query);

The fragment shows how the SQL query is created to retrieve customer data by customer ID. Note that the query was received by concatenating two strings with no space at the junction. Because of this error, the SQL query contains a typo — "cWHERE" — which makes it invalid.

To fix the problem, you need to add the missing space:

public Customer GetCustomerData(ulong id)
  string query = "SELECT c.Email, c.Phone, " +
                 "c.firstName, c.lastName FROM customers c " +
                 $"WHERE customers.id = {id}";

  var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(query);