The main method of promoting our program product PVS-Studio is to tell the developers about the type issues this tool can solve.
Note. PVS-Studio is an add-in module for Visual Studio 2005/2008 (and 2010 soon) that allows you to detect a lot of various errors in 64-bit and parallel OpenMP applications. PVS-Studio is a contemporary interactive static C/C++ code analyzer. By 'interactive', for instance, we mean the capability of warning filtration and suppression without relaunching the analysis.
The main way of promoting our tool is to write and publish technical papers on various programmer sites, for example: CodeProject, Intel Software Network, DreamInCode. Of course, all our articles are available on our site as well.
We found out with time that not every idea/material may be conveniently presented in the form of an article. Some notes were too small and could not pretend to be papers while we did not want to enlarge them artificially. Some other notes concerned only one particular feature of PVS-Studio and did not tend to be papers too. So we decided to create a blog on our site and have been publishing various ideas there since that moment.
Absence of explanations of some terms that could be not quite clear to the readers appeared to be another drawback of our articles. But links and notes overload the text and break the coherence of the articles. We found the way out by creating the section terminology on our site where you may find a lot of explanations and definitions and additional links to external resources.
But we did stop classification of our materials there. Not so long ago we created a new section called "knowledge base ". Here we lay out materials concerning particular questions developers ask when creating 64-bit and parallel software. There are few notes in the base for the present, but we will regularly enlarge it and in some time you will be able to find answers to many most urgent questions there.