Visual C++ does not support 64-bit inline assembler.
That is why you get an error when trying to compile a code like this:
void waitvrt(void)
__asm {
mov dx,3dah
in al,dx
test al,8
jnz VRT
in al,dx
test al,8
jz NoVRT
1>.\Third_party\Src\CreditsThread.cpp(111) :
error C4235: nonstandard extension used :
'__asm' keyword not supported on this architecture
If you still need to use assembler code, you may use a third-party 64-bit assembler, for example, MASM.
But you will most likely need to rewrite the existing code in C/C++. The assembler code is likely to be obsolete and it is more reasonable to use modern functions provided by operating systems or C/C++ constructs. Using assembler for the purpose of optimization can rarely be justified because Visual C++ compiler creates rather efficient code in most cases. Also, remember that you may use intrinsic-functions.
Intrinsic-functions are special system-dependent functions performing such actions that cannot be performed at the level of C/C++ code or that do it much more efficiently than other means. On the whole, they allow you to get rid of inline-assembler because it is often undesirable or impossible to use it.
Programs can use intrinsic-functions to create faster code because there are no expenses on calling common functions. Of course, the size of the code will be a bit larger. MSDN gives the list of the functions that can be replaced with their intrinsic-versions. For example, these are memcpy, strcmp, etc.
Microsoft Visual C++ compiler has a special option "/Oi" that allows you to replace the calls of some functions with their intrinsic-versions automatically.
Besides automatic replacement of common functions with intrinsic-versions, you may use intrinsic-functions in the code explicitly. This is why it may be useful:
Using intrinsic-functions in automated mode (with the help of the compiler switch) allows you to get some per cent of performance gain at no cost, and "manual" introduction of intrinsic-functions allows you to get even more. That is why using them is absolutely justified.
To learn more about intrinsic-functions see the Visual C++ team blog.