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Examples of errors detected by the V529…

Examples of errors detected by the V529 diagnostic

V529. Suspicious semicolon ';' after 'if/for/while' operator.


V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'if' operator. AFPDFLib queue.h 66

  if(queue.GetSize() >= this->_limit);
    while(queue.GetSize() > this->_limit-1)
      ::WaitForSingleObject(handles[SemaphoreIndex], 1);

Multi-threaded Dynamic Queue

V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'while' operator. StandardQueues mtqueueproducer.cpp 35

void CMTQueueProducer::Reset()
  void* pMsg = NULL;
  CSimpleMessage* pDecodedMsg = NULL;
    pDecodedMsg = (CSimpleMessage*) pMsg;
    if (pDecodedMsg)
      try { delete pDecodedMsg; } catch (....) { NULL; }
    pMsg = NULL;

Fennec Media

V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'for' operator. settings.c 483

int settings_default(void)
  for(i=0; i<16; i++);
    for(j=0; j<32; j++)
      settings.conversion.equalizer_bands.boost[i][j] = 0.0;
      settings.conversion.equalizer_bands.preamp[i]   = 0.0;

Fennec Media

V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'for' operator. settings.c 913

int trans_rest(transcoder_settings *trans)
  for(i=0; i<16; i++);
    trans->eq.eq.preamp[i]   = 0.0;
    for(j=0; j<32; j++)
      trans->eq.eq.boost[i][j] = 0.0;


V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'if' operator. tdi events.c 126

                 PVOID Context)
  if (!Event->Queued);
    Event->Queued = TRUE;
    Event->Context = Context;
    ExQueueWorkItem(&Event->WorkItem, CriticalWorkQueue);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'if' operator. ntoskrnl mdlsup.c 1177


V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'for' operator. boundary.c 3100

psd_static void psd_art_svp_render_aa_iter_step(....)
  /* move cursor to topmost vector which overlaps [y,y+1) */
  for(curs = 0; seg->points[curs + 1].y < y; curs++);
    cursor[i] = curs;


V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'for' operator. environ.c 67

int BlockEnvToEnvironA(void)
  for (envptr--; envptr >= _environ; envptr--);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'for' operator. environ.c 119
  • V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'for' operator. environ.c 171

Windows 8 Driver Samples

V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'if' operator. hw_mac.c 95

      (PMMode->dot11PowerMode != dot11_power_mode_unknown));
                   PMMode, sizeof(DOT11_POWER_MGMT_MODE));
    HalSetPowerMgmtMode(Hw->Hal, PMMode);


V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'if' operator. quickthread.cpp 670

QuickThreadCallNodeQueue* getCallNodeQueue(Affinities_bm& bm)
  if(temp->owningThreadNumber < 0);
    temp->owningThreadNumber = 0;


V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'while' operator. VirtualDub crash.cpp 462

static ModuleInfo *CrashGetModules(void *&ptr) {
    if (pszHeap[-1]=='.')
      period = pszHeap-1;

Oracle VM Virtual Box

V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'for' operator. server_getshaders.c 92

SERVER_DISPATCH_APIENTRY crServerDispatchGetAttachedShaders(....)
  for (i=0; i<*pLocal; ++i);                          // <=
    ids[i] = crStateGLSLShaderHWIDtoID(ids[i]);

Haiku Operation System

V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'for' operator. ringqueue.cpp 39

compute_order(unsigned long size)
  int  order;
  unsigned long tmp;
  for (order = 0, tmp = size; tmp >>= 1; ++order); // <=
    if (size & ~(1 << order))
    return order;

Bizarre formatting, but the code works. I guess they wanted to show their best here, but it just didn't work out quite well. This loop calculates the value of the highest set order. That is, the original number is shifted until it equals to zero ((tmp >>= 1), and the number of iterations is calculated (++order). for (order = 0, tmp = size; tmp >>= 1; ++order); And this code if (size & ~(1 << order)) ++order; rounds it up. Basically, it's ceil(log2(N)), a common construction used for calculating the number of bits necessary for encoding N different elements.


V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'if' operator. win32ui.c 2300

static BOOL GameCheck(void)
  i = ListView_FindItem(hwndList, -1, &lvfi);
  if (changed && i != -1);                          // <=
    ListView_RedrawItems(hwndList, i, i);
  if ((game_index % progBarStep) == 0)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'if' operator. win32ui.c 2876

CryEngine V

V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'for' operator. boolean3d.cpp 1314

int CTriMesh::Slice(....)
  bop_meshupdate *pmd = new bop_meshupdate, *pmd0;
  pmd->pMesh[0]=pmd->pMesh[1] = this;  AddRef();AddRef();
  for(pmd0=m_pMeshUpdate; pmd0->next; pmd0=pmd0->next); // <=
    pmd0->next = pmd;


V529 Odd semicolon ';' after 'while' operator. GuiLite.h 3413

#define CORRECT(x, high_limit, low_limit)  {\
  x = (x > high_limit) ? high_limit : x;\
  x = (x < low_limit) ? low_limit : x;\

void refresh_wave(unsigned char frame)
  CORRECT(y_min, m_wave_bottom, m_wave_top);

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