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Examples of errors detected by the V312…

Examples of errors detected by the V3123 diagnostic

V3123. Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part.

Telerik UI for UWP

V3123 Perhaps the '?:' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its condition. EditRowHostPanel.cs 35

protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
  bool shouldUpdateRowHeight
    = editorLine == 0 ||
      displayedElement == null ?
      false : displayedElement.ContainerType != typeof(DataGridGroupHeader);

There is no error here, but the code can be simplified.


V3123 [CWE-783] Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. OsuScreenStack.cs 45

private void onScreenChange(IScreen prev, IScreen next)
  parallaxContainer.ParallaxAmount =
    ParallaxContainer.DEFAULT_PARALLAX_AMOUNT *
      ((IOsuScreen)next)?.BackgroundParallaxAmount ?? 1.0f;


V3123 [CWE-783] Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. FramedReplayInputHandler.cs 103

private bool inImportantSection
    return IsImportant(frame) &&
      Math.Abs(CurrentTime - NextFrame?.Time ?? 0) <= AllowedImportantTimeSpan;


V3123 [CWE-783] Perhaps the '?:' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its condition. Options.cs 1019

private static string GetArgumentName (...., string description)
  string[] nameStart;
  if (maxIndex == 1)
    nameStart = new string[]{"{0:", "{"};
    nameStart = new string[]{"{" + index + ":"};
  for (int i = 0; i < nameStart.Length; ++i)
    int start, j = 0;
      start = description.IndexOf (nameStart [i], j);
    while (start >= 0 && j != 0 ? description [j++ - 1] == '{' : false);
    return maxIndex == 1 ? "VALUE" : "VALUE" + (index + 1);


V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. Nethermind.Trie TrieNode.cs 43

public int MemorySize
    int unaligned = (Keccak == null ? MemorySizes.RefSize :
        MemorySizes.RefSize + Keccak.MemorySize)
        + (MemorySizes.RefSize + FullRlp?.Length
                                 ?? MemorySizes.ArrayOverhead)   // <=
        + (MemorySizes.RefSize + _rlpStream?.MemorySize
                                 ?? MemorySizes.RefSize)         // <=
        + MemorySizes.RefSize + (MemorySizes.ArrayOverhead + _data?.Length
        * MemorySizes.RefSize ?? MemorySizes.ArrayOverhead)
        + MemorySizes.SmallObjectOverhead + (Key?.MemorySize ?? 0);
    return MemorySizes.Align(unaligned);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. Nethermind.Trie TrieNode.cs 44
  • V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. Nethermind.JsonRpc JsonRpcService.cs 123


V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. InMemoryDocumentSessionOperations.cs(1952) Raven.Client

public int Count =>
  _documentsByEntity.Count + _onBeforeStoreDocumentsByEntity?.Count ?? 0;


V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. AppleIapService.cs 96

private async Task<AppleReceiptStatus> GetReceiptStatusAsync(
  AppleReceiptStatus lastReceiptStatus = null)
    if (attempt > 4)
      throw new Exception("Failed verifying Apple IAP " +
      "after too many attempts. " +
      "Last attempt status: " +
      lastReceiptStatus?.Status ?? "null");          // <=


V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. Base64Encoding.cs 37

internal static string Base64Encode(this long value, string prefix)
  // 11 is the number of characters it takes to represent long.MaxValue
  // so we will never need a larger size for encoding longs
  Span<char> sb = stackalloc char[11 + prefix?.Length ?? 0];


V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. RevisionsCollectionConfiguration.cs 40

public override int GetHashCode()
    var hashCode = MinimumRevisionsToKeep?.GetHashCode() ?? 0;
    hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^
      MinimumRevisionAgeToKeep?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; // <=
    hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^
    hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^
    return hashCode;


V3123 Perhaps the '?:' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its condition. AffixGenerator.cs 207

public static void Generate(....)
  filteredList = filteredList.Where(
    a =>
    !a.Name.Contains("FireD") &&
    !a.Name.Contains("PoisonD") &&
    !a.Name.Contains("HolyD") &&
    !a.Name.Contains("ColdD") &&
    !a.Name.Contains("LightningD") &&
    !a.Name.Contains("ArcaneD") &&
    !a.Name.Contains("MinMaxDam") &&
    isCrafting ? !a.Name.ToLower().Contains(....)
               : !a.Name.Contains(....)


V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. ProjectItemInstance.cs 1628

public bool Equals(TaskItem other)
  int capacity = _itemDefinitions?.Count ?? 0 + _directMetadata?.Count ?? 0;
  var thisNames = new HashSet<string>(capacity,

The operator precedence is as follows: int capacity = _itemDefinitions?.Count ??((0 + _directMetadata?.Count)?? 0); the correct code should look like this: int capacity = (_itemDefinitions?.Count ?? 0) + (_directMetadata?.Count ?? 0);


V3123 Perhaps the '??' operator works in a different way than it was expected. Its priority is lower than priority of other operators in its left part. ReleaseInfo.cs 87

switch (format.ToUpperInvariant())
  case "L": // Long format
    var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    stringBuilder.AppendLine("Guid: " + Guid ?? "Empty");
    return ToString();

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