You're all familiar with Telegram—you may come across it at least once on the news, or you may use it yourself. Like any other project, Telegram's code has some bugs. If you're a developer...
Fellow developers, we invite you to continue our exciting journey through the depths of Intel OpenVINO code! Equipped with a static analyzer, just like detectives, we'll uncover the most...
"OpenVINO is a toolkit that boosts deep AI learning to interact with the real world. Now it's more effective!" This incredible news is a call to action for us. The project code has been...
The PVS-Studio headquarters: "Time flies by so fast... This year, on January 2, Blender turned 30 years old! It feels like just yesterday we published an article on checking the project... What...
It's December, the first snow has already fallen, and it means New Year's Eve is around the corner. Ahead of the holidays, we'll show you the most interesting errors found in the code of the...
We have checked YTsaurus with the PVS-Studio analyzer — let's see the results of this check and the errors found. It's been over half a year since YTsaurus, a powerful BigData system, became...