V6092. A resource is returned from try-…

V6092. A resource is returned from try-with-resources statement. It will be closed before the method exits.

The analyzer has detected a situation where an 'AutoCloseable' object used in a try-with-resources statement is being returned from a method.

The try-with-resources statement automatically closes all resources when exiting – that is, the resource will always be already closed when it's returned. In most cases, closed resources have no use, and calling their methods will almost always lead to an 'IOException'.

public InputStream getStreamWithoutHeader() throws IOException
  try (InputStream stream = getStream())
    return stream;

In this case, 'stream' will be closed before the control is passed to the calling method, and it will be impossible to use this stream in any way.

Fixed code:

public InputStream getStreamWithoutHeader() throws IOException
  InputStream stream = getStream();
  return stream;