OOO "Program Verification Systems&…

Andrey Karpov
Articles: 679

OOO "Program Verification Systems" announces the issue of a new version of the static code analyzer - Viva64 2.30

OOO "Program Verification Systems" announces the issue of a new version of the static code analyzer - Viva64 2.30. Viva64 tool is designed for searching errors in the code of 64-bit applications and for their performance increase.

Now the code analyzer will help the developers in optimizing the size of RAM used by the program. In the new version, a new diagnostic message V401 has been added, it lets find data structures which use memory uneconomically.

Constants processing has been improved, in a number of cases this reduces the quantity of false diagnostic warnings. The mechanism which hides double errors in header files indicated in relative views has been enhanced. Before that, during a project testing, the error in #include "lib\file.h" and #include "lib\..\lib\file.h" would be considered as if located in different files. Two diagnostic warnings would be given. Now paths are exposed, and the analyzer does not indicate twice the errors contained in the file "file.h".