Seminar in MSU RCC

Andrey Karpov
Articles: 679

Seminar in MSU RCC

On March 23, in the Moscow State University Research Computing Centre a seminar took place with "Program Verification Systems" General Director Evgeniy Ryzhkov taking part in it. The topic of the seminar was "Static Code Analysis for Automatic errors detection in programs porting to 64 bit platforms".

Problems in C/C++ programming connected with errors detection during code porting to a 64-bit platform, as well as during source code writing considering 64-bit digit capacity, have been outlined. In particular, examples of mismatch between data variables types and their values setting on different digit capacity systems have been considered.

The audience could consider the examples of source code errors detection with the help of Viva64 code analyzer developed by "Program Verification Systems" Company. The examples demonstration evoked a vivid reaction of the audience, the listeners asked many questions.

The speaker himself noted that his speech was accepted with great scientific interest.

Evgeniy Ryzhkov, "Program Verification Systems" General Director: "It is really nice when the audience understands the essence of static analysis and there is no need in explaining the methodology of such means of verification. The discussion is then built up around practical questions of the analyzer work, and the audience and the speaker opinions number is the greatest then".

The main scientific activities of the Moscow State University Research Computing Centre are:

  • fundamental problems automation systems build up; methodology, technology and security of large information systems;
  • parallel computing and new generation information and computing suites software;
  • mathematic simulation, calculus and applied mathematics methods and their application to fundamental investigation in various spheres of knowledge;
  • modern computer technologies in education.