In ISP RAS a seminar took place in whic…

Andrey Karpov
Articles: 679

In ISP RAS a seminar took place in which our specialists participated

In Institute for System Programming of Russian Academy of Science situated 25 B. Kommunisticheskaya str., Moscow, a seminar devoted to the questions of developing 64-bit applications and static analysis took place.

OOO "Program Verification Systems" experts made a report "Static analysis of source code of 64-bit C/C++ applications". After the report a discussion with the Institute's staff took place.

ISP RAS [RU] was founded January 25th, 1994 on the basis of former Cybernetics Issues Institute of RAS. ISP RAS is included into Mathematical Sciences Department of RAS.

The Institute works in the following spheres: fundamental research; applied research in the interests of industry; education.