Boxing and unboxing allow developers to convert value types to reference types and vice versa. These operations can reduce performance due to additional calculations, such as allocating memory for a new object and copying data.
Boxing occurs when a value type is converted to the System.Object, System.Enum, System.ValueType, or interface type. This operation can be explicit or implicit:
int a = 10;
object b = a; // Implicit boxing
object c = (object)a; // Explicit boxing
Implicit boxing occurs when we use a value-type variable where a reference type is expected. Let's look at the examples of such operations:
You can find some detailed examples below.
Example 1
struct Point : IComparable<Point>
public int CompareTo(Point point) { .... }
static void
ProcessComparableItems<T>(IComparable<T> lhs,
IComparable<T> rhs)
{ .... }
static int Calculate(....)
var firstPoint = new Point(....);
var secondPoint = new Point(....);
ProcessComparableItems(firstPoint, secondPoint);
The ProcessComparableItems method handles two IComparable<T> parameters. At the same time, the Point structure implements this interface. However, if we call the ProcessComparableItems method with arguments of the Point type, each of them is boxed:
// ProcessComparableItems(firstPoint, secondPoint);
IL_0039: ldloc.0
IL_003a: box BoxingTest.Program/Point // <=
IL_003f: ldloc.1
IL_0040: box BoxingTest.Program/Point // <=
IL_0045: call void
<valuetype BoxingTest.Program/Point>(....)
Example 2
var dateTime = new DateTime(....);
Type typeInfo = dateTime.GetType();
dateTime is a variable of the (DateType) value type. The GetType method of dateTime, defined in the System.Object type, is called. To call the method, we need to perform boxing of the dateTime object:
// Type typeInfo = dateTime.GetType();
IL_0014: ldloc.0
IL_0015: box [System.Runtime]System.DateTime // <=
IL_001a: call instance class
Unboxing is the conversion of a boxed reference type back to a value type. Unboxing has some peculiarities:
double a = 1;
object b = a;
int c = (int)b;
Unboxing a variable to an incompatible value type causes InvalidCastException. Here is the fixed code:
int c = (int)(double)b;