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A new version of the code analyzer PVS-…

A new version of the code analyzer PVS-Studio 3.50 is released

26 Mar 2010

We released a new version of PVS-Studio code analyzer - PVS-Studio 3.50. There are seven important innovations in the new version each of which is very useful.

  • PVS-Studio supports Visual Studio 2010 RC. Although Visual Studio has not been released officially yet, we have already added the support for this environment into the analyzer. Now PVS-Studio integrates into Visual Studio 2010 and can analyze projects in this environment. Help system in Visual Studio 2010 has been changed, so the Help section of PVS-Studio does not integrate into the documentation yet as it is done in Visual Studio 2005/2008. But you still may use online help. Support of Visual Studio 2010 RC is not complete.
  • A new PDF-version of Help system is available. Now we ship a 50-page PDF-document in the PVS-Studio distribution kit. It is a full copy of our Help system (that integrates into MSDN in Visual Studio 2005/2008 and is available online).
  • PVS-Studio now has a new mechanism that automatically checks for new versions of the tool on our site. Checking for the updates is managed through the new option CheckForNewVersions in the settings tab called "Common Analyzer Settings". If the option CheckForNewVersions is set to True, a special text file is downloaded from www.viva64.com site when you launch code testing (the commands Check Current File, Check Current Project, Check Solution in PVS-Studio menu). This file contains the number of the latest PVS-Studio version available on the site. If the version on the site is newer than the version installed on the user computer, the user will be asked for a permission to update the tool. If the user agrees, a special separate application PVS-Studio-Updater will be launched that will automatically download and install the new PVS-Studio distribution kit. If the option CheckForNewVersions is set to False, it will not check for the updates.
  • We have implemented the support for the standard C++0x at the level it was done in Visual Studio 2010. Now it supports lambda expressions, auto, decltype, static_assert, nullptr, etc. In the future, as C++0x support in Visual C++ is developing, the analyzer PVS-Studio will also provide support for the new C++ language capabilities.
  • Now you can check solutions with PVS-Studio from the command line instead of Visual Studio environment. Note that we still mean that the checking will be performed from Visual Studio involving the files of projects (.vcproj) and solutions (.sln) but it will be launched from the command line instead of IDE. This way of launching the tool may be useful when you need to regularly check the code with the help of build systems or continuous integration systems.
  • New rule V1212: Data race risk. When accessing the array 'foo' in a parallel loop, different indexes are used for writing and reading.
  • We added a code signature certificate in the new version of our tool. It is done for you to be sure that the distribution kit is authentic, and get fewer warnings from the operating system when installing the application.

We hope that both our current and new users will like the new version of PVS-Studio tool.

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