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Our company has presented PVS-Studio wi…

Our company has presented PVS-Studio within the scope of "Platform 2010" conference

13 Nov 2009

The annual conference by Microsoft called "Platform 2010" was held on November 12 and 13 in Moscow. The conference "Platform" is a localized Russian analogue of PDC global conference.

Within the scope of the conference, Microsoft has provided an opportunity for start-up companies to present their projects (make Project Showcases). The selection of the companies (and projects) for participation in Project Showcase was carried out by users' voting on a special site. As a result, PVS-Studio code analyzer was among the selected projects.

On November 13, in International Trade Center (Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya, 12) at 17:05 there was held PVS-Studio presentation. If you were not present at this event, had no time to ask a question, or did not understand something, you can download (HTTP) the presentation or ask the question by email.

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