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Recent interesting content from the PVS…

Recent interesting content from the PVS-Studio Team

16 Jan 2017

Recently we have published several articles which many a man can find not just interesting but also useful. We understand that far from everyone keep tabs on our publications, and someone could have missed some important points.

We decided to post here links to the most valuable articles we have published recently.

  • We introduced a new license which allows a free usage of PVS-Studio if you meet certain conditions. For more details refer to How to use PVS-Studio for Free. After we have published this article, two enthusiasts described how to embed PVS-Studio into Anjuta DevStudio and Eclipse CDT.
  • We wrote an article that describes the inner workings of the PVS-Studio analyzer and the technologies we use to detect errors.
  • We published quite an interesting article where we summarize progress in development of PVS-Studio analyzer. The fact is, we started our journey 10 years ago. More details are available here: http://www.viva64.com/en/b/0465/. At the same time we described how we created a new version of our site.

Furthermore recently we have checked (or re-checked) some open-source projects to demonstrate power of the PVS-Studio static code analyzer:

I hope I provided you with an interesting reading for the evening.

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