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Twitter for C++ Programmers (updated)

Twitter for C++ Programmers (updated)

23 Jan 2015

This small post is for those programmers who use Twitter or are just about to start doing this. I'm sure developers will find some useful information here.

I already wrote about Twitter some time ago. More than a year has passed since then, so I think now is a good time for me to write an updated and extended version of that post.

I ignored Twitter for a long time, for it didn't seem to be of any interest at all. When I was only getting started with it, I found it to be just a collection of meaningless information, cats' photos and people's opinions on topics I was absolutely not interested in. I tried to think of someone to follow but it only occurred to me to follow Zadornov's page (he's a Russian humorist artist). So, I failed to make friends with Twitter at first.

However, I gradually got to know it better and even managed to attract more than three hundred followers somehow. But it's not the point of this post. Now I'll be brief and tell you what it's all about.

So, you are a C++ programmer. If you are wondering if you can find something interesting for yourself on Twitter, I have a few tips for you.

First, you can use hashtags to search for interesting posts and, therefore, subscribe to pages of those authors whose links and comments you like to read. I suggest checking the following:

  • #cpp
  • #cplusplus
  • #cpp11 , #cpp14 , #cpp17
  • #programming
  • #opensource
  • #coding
  • #dev
  • #developers
  • #appsec
  • #visualc
  • #security
  • #github
  • #clang
  • #cert
  • #cppcon

Also, you may want to follow these people/organizations:

  • Me first of all, of course. Andrey Karpov - @Code_Analysis - The main direction of our activity is static analysis of source code of applications written in C/C++.
  • Standard C++ - @isocpp - ISO C++ standards committee - ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21.
  • CppCon - @CppCon - The Conference for the Entire C++ Community.
  • C++ Highlights - @cpphl - Linkblog about C++ and related tools and libraries: C++11, gcc, Clang, STL, Boost, Qt, POCO, Visual Studio etc.
  • VisualStudio - @VisualStudio - Follow us for the latest Visual Studio news and related information for developers.
  • James McNellis - @JamesMcNellis - C++ maven and generic programming aficionado. Lover of classical music and scotch. Senior engineer on the Microsoft Visual C++ team.
  • WalterBright - @WalterBright - Digital Mars C, C++, D programming language compilers, and Javascript compiler.
  • meetingcpp - @meetingcpp - Meeting C++ - European C++ Conference in Fall in Germany!
  • Andrei Alexandrescu - @incomputable - Please refer to my website for bio and contact information.
  • Sasha Goldshtein - @goldshtn - CTO of SELA Group, Microsoft C# MVP. Work interests: .NET internals, Windows internals, and production debugging. And also: reading, writing, and executing.
  • John Carmack - @ID_AA_Carmack - Oculus VR CTO.
  • Silviu Ardelean - @silviuardelean - C++ Software Engineer.
  • Visual C++ - @visualc - We are the Visual C++ team working in Visual Studio. Eric Battalio (@ebattalio) manages communication, etc.
  • Adam Sawicki - @Reg__ - Graphics Software Engineer.
  • Intel Software Feed - @intelswfeed - Tweet feed for newly published article and blog posts on the Intel Developer Zone. Account is managed by @GaelHof.
  • Biicode - @biicode - C/C++ dependency manager with a hosting service. Like Maven and Maven Central for Java.
  • Stewart Henderson - @__shenderson__ - C++ Software developer.

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